Hello Teal sisters, I'm starting to worry I have been on 3 cycles of Doxil and Avastin out of 6. After the first two cycles my Ca 125 level drop in half however, following the third cycle my CA125 only dropped 3 points. Has this happen to anyone else? God Bless
Has Doxil and Avastin stopped working? - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Has Doxil and Avastin stopped working?

I had to stop Avastin do to high blood pressure and headaches. My c125 went from 9 to 16 in that one month time. I am still in normal range. Your c125 will go up and down. I hope to get on a maintenance program that does not a fact BP and gives headaches. Nest of luck
Hi Faith, I had the same experience. My Dr. Said it was normal for the Ca125 to slow down as it gets closer to the normal range. Mine didn't reach 30 until my last chemo tx. I can't stress how important it is for you to starve the cancer by watching your carbohydrate and sugar intake. Keep the faith and eat well. Northrop
Yes, in fact my CA125 even increased quite a bit with Doxil and Avastin after about three doses so my oncologist took me off of both of them and put me on Rubraca in August. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 fifteen months ago. The most annoying side effect of the Doxil (for me) was burning elbows (not the usual burning hands/feet that others report).