Will start as single agent next week.
Doxil anyone?: Will start as single... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Doxil anyone?

Has your nurse walked through with you what to expect and how to avoid (as much as possible) the side effects? I didn't have Doxil, but I know a number of friends who have and for most of them it was very manageable. My Mom had it several years ago and had the hand foot syndrome, but they know a lot more now to control that.
Yes. It is the skin issues that worry me. I had red hair and my skin is very reactive to many irritants including drugs. Detergents, wool, etc, can make me miserable even without a visible rash. I have to be careful about what fabrics I wear, and a tag in the wrong place can make me crazy. I have bad feet that blister easily. And I'm just plain tired of trying to take care of this body that has given me more pain than pleasure, or so it seems. I'm too hot so often since my thyroid was removed, and we do not have air conditioning except for the bedroom. Summer is coming . And I haven't even started Doxil yet. I'm trying to remember that I always expect things to be worse than they really are, and that I made it through frontline relatively unscathed.
Doxil is easy. I am very sick. Advanced stage 4 metastatic ovarian cancer. The doxil is mild compared to all the other chemo I have taken over 2 years
I'm wondering if this is also known as docetaxel?
I don't think so...Doxil is liposomal doxorubicin I believe.
I feel like we are learning a foreign language!
We are and it is important to master it. Our lives depend on understanding the rules and terminology of this game. But the good news is that we live in the google age. We can look up anything. Use sources you can trust like Mayo Clinic and Medscape. Pay attention to spelling names of conditions and medications or you can end up really confused.
Docetaxel (generic name) is the same as Taxotere (brand name). Doxil is the brand name for pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (generic).
We redheads have our sensitivity issues. I think they should have conquered this problem already. I don't really appreciate the sidewards glances from the medical professionals. I don't think they believe us.
It is hard to believe what you have not experienced, but there have been studies done about how reds differ from others. We tend to need higher doses of anesthesia for example. I vaguely remember that biopsy may show more sensory nerve fibers in our skin as well , but it's been a long time since I researched it.
Yes had Doxil. It was very tolerable for me. I could do most everyday things. However it did not touch the recurring cancer. My hands and feet were iced down during infusion. Take care it will not make you feel bad at all. But remember everybody is different. Have a strong day and trust God my sister in the fight
Two days out from treatment #1 and my hands and feet are beginning to react. Nausea as well as intestinal discomfort. No blistering yet, but redness and prickliness. Eyes are dry. Ick.
I started Doxil August 10, 2017 (two weeks ago). I have uterine cancer, adenocarcinoma, Stage 4. I was in remission for almost exactly a year. Before that I had surgery, then carbo-taxol, which I tolerated pretty well, except I got some mild neuropathy.
My first Doxil made me feel a little more energetic maybe. I didn't feel sick before either and I try to do everything to boost my health and immune systems...tons of exercise, organic food and whatever alternative treatments I have time for. I noticed a teeny bit of constipation for 2 days.
I haven't read about Doxil making a person energized. I sure hope it impacts my CA 125 (measured 19, up from 6 or so). They saw something in my CT scan near my lymph nodes by my lower back. I will be so happy if Doxil works. I get the idea that it's not as effective as the carbo taxol chemo.
There is a conference in my city Sept 16th about Gynecological cancers and I think I might try to learn some things. Last time around all I wanted to learn was about the alternative things, just about things I had control over, and no statistics. I am eager to hear about other people's experience with Doxil. I am worried about the foot hand thing because I am in every category that makes it more likely a person would get it. Thanks in advance for your attention. Love and strength to all the wonderful women here!