I am getting ready to start my third round with ovarian cancer. I will start Carboplatin and Doxil next week. Has anyone done this treatment. I would also like to hear from recurrent ovarian cancer survivors. I sure could use a pick me up.
Here I Go Again😔: I am getting ready... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Here I Go Again😔

We are finishing up our fourth treatment. Chase the pain and nausea. Start Claritin two days before. It is rough but it does pass. Third day is the worst. What stage was yours and did you have complete hysterectomy?
I'm on my 3d cancer, 2d serous carcinoma and am going to my 5th round of carbo/doxil next week at UCLA after trying immunotherapy, which was no help and I had to watch the cancer grow during 8 rounds of Opdivo. Then I'm waiting to see if there will be more surgery and then on to a daily PARP inhibitor. The carbo/doxil was easier for me to tolerate and no hair loss, joy! I did not get hand-foot syndrome either. Keep excercising--I run/walk and go to the gym, very, very helpful with keeping drug side effects minimal. My docs keep saying that this is a manageable disease and more drugs on the way for approval that will help. But staying positive has been very difficult. There is also the constant worry about money, especially If survival is any length of time.
Thanks for posting al this. I have Stage 4 uterine, on Doxil since August10. I have a year in remission before that... which was after a hysterectomy and carbo-taxol. I exercise lots...I was so glad to hear you writing about it being manageable. I do lots of healthy things, perfect food and exercise. Yes, I find Doxil has not been giving me side effects yet. I am not sure how long I will be on it. I will I had a good resource on all the options for me so I know what's coming or what could go wrong. Thanks again!
Thank you all very much for your kind words of wisdom. I appreciate every one of them. 💙
No they put me on Doxil and Avastin which so far seems to be working I am also on my third go around!
Yes I have had them both but not at the same time. I had Carboplatin and Taxol together. That was a hard one. I had Doxil. It was very easy forme to tolerate. I pray the best for you. Keep the faith and know Gid is with you always
Sorry to hear you are battling ovarian cancer again. I had my first recurrence 2 years ago. I have not gone into remission yet. I took carboplatin. I had good luck with that drug until the 7th round when I became allergic. I experienced some nausea but not too bad. I also took Doxil. I had no side effects with this drug but it didn't work for me. Currently I am taking a parp inhibitor. Hang in there. There are lots of us in the same boat. Praying for you, me, and everyone else battling cancer. ❤️
I am on my third treatment - I am on Doxil and Avastin
I'm 37 and on my 4th time with low grade serous carcinomas and I'm in a clinical trial for a MEK inhibitor. Even after almost 9 years this is the first drug that has ever helped me! Life can still be so great! There are so many things that become easier when you're a professional cancer survivor (like you are now). There are plenty of ups and downs but my advice is to feel the downs and let go of them quickly and feel the ups and hold on and celebrate all of them!