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High grade ovarian Cancer 3c

Jcspirit54 profile image
15 Replies

Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum.

I’m so glad I finally searched an found this forum. as I have been struggling emotionally with this thing consuming my every thought an stealing away any quality of life I have now. And I think of myself as a strong person and I have been so mad at myself that I have not been able to do a better job of handling my negative thoughts. I have had 9wks chemo, surgery and 9wks chemo with very good results. I’m also on a trial drug I take 2xs daily. Iv been in remission for 14 months so far. But so worried about reacurance as it seems inevitable but As I once thought if it reaccured that that was it. But I see many have had more than one and are still around to fight. I’m so glad I found this forum I don’t feel so all alone an I’m feel encouraged and feel some positivity. I have avoided a lot of searching and information on th web as I would often feel discouraged. It’s so good to hear others stories and treatments. Thank to all my fighting sisters for sharing.

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Jcspirit54 profile image
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15 Replies
Cjbloomq profile image

Keep the faith and positive attitude helps. We are warriors.

kristinaapril profile image

Welcome! I think it's completely natural to have negative thoughts, after going through what you did, and it does not make you any less "strong".

I am on here as I was my moms caregiver through her treatments, though she's been in remission for 4 months now. From my own experience, and the experiences I've read of other women, it is common to worry about reoccurrences. My mom is still getting the hang of being treatment free, but the anxiety does rear its head once she visits the oncologist office (every 6 weeks) for a port flush.

Also, Feel free to join the "my ovacome" and "ovacare" communities on this website, as not all of those affect with ovarian cancer use this one. "My ovacome" community also tends to be the most active, which may be more helpful to you!

Wishing you a very long remission,

Kris x.

journal profile image

Hi JSC, it sounds like you are doing quite well. i recurred after 6 mo. do you happen to know the

name of the trial drug/s you are on?


Jcspirit54 profile image
Jcspirit54 in reply to journal

Hi thank you for your reply.

The trial drug is Veliparib

journal profile image
journal in reply to Jcspirit54

That is a drug similar to the other parp inhibitors. Good luck with it!

ns5951 profile image

Hi, I have stage 4 ovarian (in remission and on "maintenance" chemo). I met a woman with ovarian cancer who had been in chemo for 6 years and had a good quality of life. I met another woman with a different type of cancer who had it for 20 years. My point, which I find encouraging, is that cancer is often managed as a chronic condition with good results. Yes, it is serious but often goes well with the current treatments available. I wish you the best.

Jcspirit54 profile image
Jcspirit54 in reply to ns5951

Thank you so much !! for your reply. So helpful and encouraging!! This forum is just what I needed. To be able to connect with others going through similar situations.Wishing the best for you too.

Mamaw1 profile image

Welcome. I have had surgery for overian cancer stage 3 and am beginning my 4th round if chemo. No side effects except fatigue. Do not worry about anything other than getting better. Negative thoughts do arise but you can only control so much. One day at a time

mosmers profile image
mosmers in reply to Mamaw1

Hi Mamaw1,

My mom is also stage 3 and had 2 rounds so far with the last one being really tough on her. What chemo drugs are/were you on? Mom's CA came back at 300+ and she is dreading the next round. Almost ready to give up. Thanks so much!

Jcspirit54 profile image

Thank you for your reply Hoping all goes smoothly with your treatments

ecappiello profile image

I'm glad to have found this forum as well. I am encouraged too by others dealing courageously with recurrence and succeeding.

I was originally kind of hoping to be "cured" when I was done with my chemo. I have 2 sessions to go. Haven't quite wrapped my head around the fact that I'm now an "after" (versus before cancer) and will be continuing my life as a survivor from now on.

Jcspirit54 profile image

Yes I understand hoping that your cured I’m feeling the same way. Wishing you great results with your treatment.

Aire profile image

Hi Jcspirit54,

I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. You are a strong person and being mad at yourself does not help anything. Firstly, it is not your fault that you have this disease. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Taking one day at a time, rather than trying to control the future will help you live in the present. I know our lives are controlled by one scan to the next but I won’t let this disease take my happiness away and make those around me suffer as well. I had a wonderful friend who was in this with me and her favorite saying was, “I might have Cancer, but Cancer doesn’t have me.” Whenever I get a little down, I think of Carolyn and her spunk and zest for life even in the middle of this disease. Our journey and fight down this road helps us to lean on one another for strength and support.

Welcome to the strongest warriors on earth.

God bless you.


malka210 profile image

Sometimes a little mediation my help in getting rid of negative thoughts

It helps to clear my head. We’re all with you.


Jcspirit54 profile image
Jcspirit54 in reply to malka210

Thank you Millie. That is a good suggestion. I need to work on my meditation technique as I’m iof a busy mind. But I think your right it would help. Thanks for the support I’m also with all the sisters fighting with the situation we are in.

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