I have tried this before with no success but am trying again. Is there anyone out there that has experienced mbc to the pancreas? I have bone mets as well but it’s the pancreas doing me in. I am in so much pain and I am working with a palliative care team but the medication just makes me sleep all day. Just feel very alone in this boat. I have read that only 2%of the mbc goes to the pancreas. Any 2% out there?
pancreatic MBC: I have tried this... - SHARE Metastatic ...
pancreatic MBC

I have not heard of anyone with this. BUT have you reached out to Sloan Kettering in NY? I have two friends being treated there for pancreatic cancer...neither started in the breast, but if anyone is on top of this, I would trust them.
Hi there, 1st of all, I am sorry. MBC is enough for anyone. I have a pancreatic cyst that they monitor every 6 months. It was discovered incidentally. I am told they don't think it's connected, but I would ask have they biopsied it? to confirm that it's BC cells in the Pancreatic tumor?
and I am treated at MSK and and can recommend the Pancreatic surgeon I see
Yes I had a biopsy and it is breast cancer. 2 stents placed in my abdomen and I had a nerve block. I get weekly taxol infusions but all palliative care does is give me oxycodone and gabapentin dir the never ending pain that makes me sleep. I’m not depressed but certainly disappointed there is not a better solution.
Mine is not cancer, but I have a huge mass on my pancreas. Was discovered at my de novo diagnosis 2 years ago. At first the doctors were pretty freaked out, but it has remained stable.
Not the same as you though, hope you get some good advice.
something to be thankful for!