As promised, I'm checking in after my second Enhertu infusion. Since I knew what to expect, I focused on mitigating the side effects I knew were going to arise. For me, my side effect of choice seems to be indigestion. I don't get nausea, so I don't worry about that. I need to stave off the indigestion and the burn that comes with it. My side effects schedule this time was:
Day 1 - infusion (Wednesday) I take it easy the rest of the day and don't do anything strenuous.
Day 2-3 - completely fine, activities as usual. Ate normally, but meat was a turn off. Exercised normally.
Day 4 (Saturday) - mid-day, I crashed. One minute I'm moving around like nothing is going on and then the next minute I'm exhausted.
Day 5 - 12 - Tired, staving off indigestion, no longer walking my usual 2-3 miles outside. Forcing myself to do 20 minutes of slow pedaling on my spin bike. Some days, not even that. Definitely no driving or going to the grocery store. Felt like all the walking around in the store would be too much. Appetite is meager and got full after only a few bites of food. I tend to lose 3-4 lbs during this period and then gain it back after the bounce back.
Day 13 and after - as sudden as the crash, the bounce back occurred the following Saturday. No fatigue, strong appetite, walked 3 miles. Everything went back to normal.
It was an odd 10 days, but honestly, I'll take it. The two days of solid naps the first round didn't happen again. I was tired, but more of a sit-and-watch-tv fatigue than needing to sleep. I did sleep longer at night. I found the indigestion medication they gave me didn't really work, so this time I drank watered down lemonade all day and that seemed to keep the indigestion at bay. I use Simply Lemonade. Not a lot of ingredients and its tasty. A glass of water with a splash of that in it and it was enough to neutralize the stomach acid for me. I tend to hydrate all day, so this was ongoing all day, every day, all week. If the indigestion kicked in after a meal, I just chewed on an over-the-counter indigestion tablet and it knocked out the burn.
I'm a big proponent of exercise to keep things in check. It helps me with fatigue, helps with the indigestion, and helps with my mental attitude. The hardest part of my crash week is not being able to really exercise, so by the end I get a little maudlin. I am pretty good at counting my blessings, though. I have roughly one crap week and two good weeks on Enhertu, so I consider myself blessed. For my next infusion, I'm going to speak with my oncologist about lowering the steroids in the pre-meds to see if I can ease the crash.
Wishing you all good days that outweigh the bad. 🫶