Has anyone tried Medical Marijuana for Anxiety? My oncologist said it might help me as an antidepressant my Primary Care Physician put me on hasn’t helped. I am a worrier and stress about many things especially my cancer and the results of CT scans, etc. I know stress isn’t good when you have cancer. Just wondering if anyone has gotten a medical marijuana card as I now have the registration to do online that my oncologist set up for me.
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Medical Marijuana for Anxiety

Hi Kit Míos, my son bought me some high quality CBD oil and a half pipette under the tongue helps me to get a full, restful night's sleep.I hope it works for you! Xx
Medical marijauna has been suggested after everything else has been tried. My husband is a very depressed person. Right now he is supposed to go on Melatonin to help him sleep better. I think that will help. He is taking a pain killer as well as pain for him is very hard to cope with.
Cheers, June S.
Interesting that some doctors are now recommending MM! My palliative care PA did, too. Oil with no thc. It does help me sleep. I learned that at least here in Michigan, if myou don't have an mm card, there is a 17% tax on the stuff! So I'm waiting for the forms with my onc's signature to come in the mail. The application fee here is $40, if aanybody is wondering about that. A good resource for things like anxiety, cancer, depression, trouble sleeping is the healthjourneys.com and the audios by psychologist Belleruth Naparstek. Her voice is extremely relaxing! She has studied the mind-body connections and her work on cancer was really helpful to me. I learned about her work at a BC weekend retreat sponsored by the cancer center where I am treated, about six months after I was diagnosed. I bought her CD on dying, but haven't been ready for that one yet, lol! Back to Covid--the people I know who have gotten Covid in spite of being vacinnated all had mild cases, too. But I thhink being able to say "I cought 02it. ................... (oops, kitten on keyboard) I cought Covid in Paris" is very special! So much better than saying I caught it at home like I do. I hope we all stay as healthy as possible and can do the things that give us pleasure!
My pain management doc recommended taking MM for pain, but I didn’t start taking it yet. For anxiety/depression I’m taking minimal dose of Cymbalta and it makes a world of difference without any side effects.
My family life would be so much better if I’d be calmer on Cymbalta earlier 😉
Wishing you all the best! Hope MM will work! Pls share your experience.
Hi there, marijuana is legal in the State where I live. My best friend, and my daughter had me try it, in edibles and drops, and it made me feel very "off" and and paranoid (not helpful at all for me!). I'm very susceptible to medications that work on the brain so I think it's just me. My doctor has me taking Lorazepam for sleep and my scans. I take one a night now for three years and sleep like a baby, and it helps me stay very calm with PET, MRI and CT scans. I hope find what works for you, there are many medications out there that people find very helpful and marijuana works for many of them.
Thanks for your help. I will try med marijuana but if I don’t like the feeling I’ll find something else. Sleeping is always disruptive so I wish I could find the right thing for that.
hi. CBD is basically marijuana without the THC (which is the hallucinogenic)......so you get some of the same positive benefits without the 'weird'. Charlotte's Web is a very reputable brand and can be bought on-line. google it if you want more info. I believe it comes as edibles and also as a tincture that you put under your tongue with the eye dropper that comes with it. just an fyi.
best wishes...
carole XO
Hi! I have the MM but haven't taken it. My dr prescribed Xanax ( lowest dosage available) and I take one every night about an hour before bedtime. Doesn't knock me completely out, but I don't want to be completely out of it, it helps relax me and I sleep much better than I did before I took it. Good luck finding something that works for you! Sleep is so very important.
Hello. I use medical THC tabs for help with sleep. I have neuropathy in a foot caused by a brain met/tumor--and it helps calm the tingling and pain and I get woozy and fall asleep after an hour. I also tried tincture under the tongue, but have not tried vaping. It would do the same thing during the day--woozy! Here in MN, USA the state regulates and we have dispensaries that sell quality products. They have pharmacists that help you figure out which products will work for you--all a range of various THC to CBD ratios. I would definitely recommend for sleep! For anxiety around scans--I just try and engage with what is important in life. Hard to roll with it, isn't it! Best to you.
i've had a medical card since the mets dx in 2015. i use products for health, anxiety (at night), and pain. i like tinctures; have used vapes and edibles, too; use creams/balms/patches for pain. CBD daily and 1:1 or typically low CBD:higher THC (1:4).