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Iwouldlike2knowmore profile image

has anyone considered medical marijuana

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Iwouldlike2knowmore profile image
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32 Replies
Lisa-n-AZ profile image

Yes, I attended a seminar last week. I am in my fact finding stage. I am 1 yr MBC, 2 months dose dense chemo, currently finished cycle 10 Ibrance, letrozole. NED since Aug 2017. I want to be prepared when things are not so good. Keep options open.

blms profile image
blms in reply to Lisa-n-AZ

No one, but God, knows when you will die. Enjoy your time in remission, use vision, breathing and tapping to help strengthen you and your body will help you heal. Do not worry or try not to think about the prognosis as the docs really don't know you.

diamags profile image

What would the goal be for using marijuana?

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to diamags

Pain management, weight gain.

kkrouse profile image
kkrouse in reply to diamags

I use it for anxiety and pain. I sleep like a baby with it and feel so much better in the morning.

Jerseygirl45 profile image
Jerseygirl45 in reply to kkrouse

Did the doctor give you a script, or did you have to apply for a license?

Boogitymom profile image

Several people in the support group I attend have used it for pain relief and help with sleeping. I am also in the fact finding phase. I am so worried about opiate dependency that I’d like other options. I had asked my oncologist his thoughts and he said he was fine with it as long as you didn’t smoke it.

Partia profile image
Partia in reply to Boogitymom

Not smoke it? U mean just do the CBD oil?

kkrouse profile image
kkrouse in reply to Partia

I have oil and tincture. Both are very helpful. I wouldn’t smoke anything. Plus thes products have the canninoids but not THC...win win

Hock15 profile image
Hock15 in reply to Boogitymom

Why did he say not to smoke it?

Boogitymom profile image
Boogitymom in reply to Hock15

He said it would weaken my lungs

Its medical marijuana , its not addictive.

Swtberry profile image

Someone suggested that to me. But it's not legalized in my state. I sure would like to give it a trial. I just do not know how to get it. Anyone with info how to get it?

kkrouse profile image
kkrouse in reply to Swtberry

You can buy it online. Try pureKana or other sites. My doctor may prescribe it, but if not, I’ll continue to get it. He’s not against it, but I have to meet with palliative care to see if I can get a script. It’s the only thing I take that has zero side effects

Hort09 profile image

I use the oil that is equal in thc and cbd so you get relief from pain n can sleep better but no high . There are other oils that have a higher thc which give you a bit of a high if need be . I have fibromyalgia and sofas it on any tough drugs yet ( awaiting scan results ) .it was the only thing that helped.

Halfpint2 profile image
Halfpint2 in reply to Hort09

How much do you take. I’m having a hard time getting to sleep and I’d like to get off ambien

Hort09 profile image
Hort09 in reply to Halfpint2

Hi you have to play with the dosage . I started low but upped it to .7 or. .8 ml I also take melatonin because I always have with my tamoxifin. I haven't had to change meds yet as this is a new diagnosis for me . I have been taking the medical marijuana for fibromyalgia pain , anxiety and sleep since October and it's the only thing that helps. I hope this helps you

Halfpint2 profile image
Halfpint2 in reply to Hort09

Thank you. I’ve got to get some sleep! Melatonin doesn’t do anything for me. I tried Aleve PM and it gave me a horrible headache.

Hort09 profile image
Hort09 in reply to Halfpint2

If that doesn't work you may have to ask your doctor for sleeping pills . I know I took some the first time I had cancer n slept wonderfully . Good luck

kkrouse profile image
kkrouse in reply to Halfpint2

I use one dropper of tincture in juice.

Partia profile image
Partia in reply to Hort09

Hort09 you have MBC and fibromyalgia?

Hort09 profile image
Hort09 in reply to Partia

Yes I got the fibromyalgia early last year then I had a one spot taken out of my lung but there are other smaller spots left in both lungs .

Partia profile image
Partia in reply to Hort09

That's got to be super rough. All the best!

TruthisGreat profile image

It has amazing qualities though this is not one I'm doing. There is an amazing MD in Bellevue WA who works w it a lot. And there is a video series about using it for cancer. I'll look for the contract information for you.

Actually, I do a little because I extract it into coconut oil and add it to my coffee each morning. I believe in it but I work full time and require a clear head.

I also have friends who use this same mixture topically over aching bones. They say it is the only thing that alleviates their pain.

Iwouldlike2knowmore profile image
Iwouldlike2knowmore in reply to TruthisGreat

TruthisGreat, where can i watch the video. Mikki

TruthisGreat profile image
TruthisGreat in reply to Iwouldlike2knowmore


Everyone needs this site!!! :)

TruthisGreat profile image
TruthisGreat in reply to TruthisGreat

Cannabis is great for pain and nausea but it is also curative when you have the right protocol. Here is a doctor that several friends are seeing. One just did a SKYPE appointment with him. He is an MD. sagemed.co/sunil

PJBinMI profile image

My gynecologist has told me that she's had patients get good symptom relief with marijuana. I haven't tried it myself and the law here in Michigan is not easy to navigate. It was legalized by referendum but I suspect that the legislature didn't approve and made the rules for obtaining it difficult. To get a mm card, we have to know who we will buy it from and those selling it are quite limited in how much they are allowed to have and the number of people they can sell to! How in the world can an old lady with major health problems find out how and where to get it! Alot of communities ban selling it. My husband is a retired police officer and can't pick it up for me. Crazy!

Meadesmith profile image
Meadesmith in reply to PJBinMI

Find a young person. A millennial can get it for you. Most don't mind and happy to be of service. Get some bud, make some butter in a crock pot, make cookies, eat a little bite til you know how it feels. There are videos on YouTube. It helps me sleep, eases my pain. Eased me off morphine.

PJBinMI profile image
PJBinMI in reply to Meadesmith

I have to do it legally! My husband is a cop. To get a MM card in MI, besides my doctor's signature, I have to know where I am going to purchase the MM and can only buy it from one "caretaker", the totally absurd term they used in the law for sellers of MM! And those are limited in the number of patients that they can sell to. Really crazy.

Meadesmith profile image
Meadesmith in reply to PJBinMI

Very sad. Hang in there. This is changing nationally quickly. There is recognition that this herb provides relief with out side effects. Also I think CBD oil is legal where you are. Lots of benefits, easily procured. I buy CBD gummies which help a lot.

RLN-overcomer profile image

Sister/Warrior : God surely is my/your advocate, fighting on my/our behalf, and,I am the

runner up. I believe this site was created to empower, encourage, educate, elevate, and

enable warriors/sisters to navigate this worldly life journey with as much ease in the difficult

complexities of battling and winning the war against this disease. I do believe in the power

of Gods green earth herbs, oils, and supplements. I also believe God created so many herbs

supplements we don't even know, that can heal all/any ailment for a minimal cost.

Marijuana/cannabis,Mary-Jane,etc. can be used in so many ways, in oils, in creams, in pill

form,and in powders to put in anything we ingest to heal and alleviate pain. The part that

creates feelings of being high, buzzed etc. can be, and usually is removed for medical grade

marijuana. Their are some people who want to legalize marijuana to get high, and or make

money. These same people will sell marijuana laced with synthetic chemicals to get people

high, and addicted to what they are selling .There are people in this community, and world

wide who have a great need for medical grade marijuana. I had a friend who used medical

grade marijuana in pill form prescribed by her doctor for the pain of aggressive chemo,

insomnia, and her need to increase her appetite to keep her weight up, so that her doctor

wouldn't put her on steroids. This was 5 years ago. I wish medical marijuana was available

for me 10 years ago when I went through aggressive chemotherapy, but I thank God medical

marijuana is becoming available in almost all America, and I pray it will be available for those

in need world wide Amen XoXoXoXoXo Keep up the fight WARRIOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRS

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