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Constant leaky eyes , please help! Suffering for 2 years . I’m on Verzenio, faslodex, and Xgeva. Daily vitamins, any one else ? Remedy plz🙏

Ycats277 profile image
37 Replies

My eyes constantly leak either they’re filled with water, or they leak down my face constantly. I am so uncomfortable I can’t figure out which drug is causing it or which supplement is causing it. I’ve taken one out at a time and seen if it stopped and it doesn’t. Has this happened to anybody else and do they have any advice please help me thank you in advance. 😘🌹🌹

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Ycats277 profile image
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37 Replies
Sheila100856 profile image

I too have leaky eyes runny nose and a raspy voice I am on one of the drugs you listed (faslodex). Nothing I’ve tired has helped me.Please let me know if you find something that helps..God bless🌸

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Sheila100856

I will xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Sheila100856

Me too. So annoying!

Adele_Julia profile image

Hi there ! I do believe a Faslodex is the culprit. I’m on Piqray, Faslodex and Xgeva . Prior to that Ibrance and Faslodex. The watering eyes were a constant drip . I take Claritin - in the am.

Discocat profile image
Discocat in reply to Adele_Julia


I also get very leaky eyes. They seem especially bad the last few days before my week off starts.

I’m taking Ibrance, Letrozol, Zoladex and Zometa.

I am also unsure which med causes it. I find saline drops help to soothe the eyes. I still wear eye make up most days but I get heavy wearing waterproof stuff.

I’ve found that placing a small rolled piece of kitchen roll in the inner corner of my eye helps to wick away the drips as I’m applying my make up.

It seems worse in the mornings and settles later in the day. In general my eyes are now more sensitive to bright light and temperature changes. The slightest breeze outside makes them stream to the point I can hardly see sometimes. Wearing sunglasses helps and in the car I make sure to turn all the air vents away from me.

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Adele_Julia

Do you find the Claritin working ?

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Ycats277

Absolutely ! Give it a try. I take mine in the morning. Some take it at night.

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Adele_Julia

Thank you 🙏 I’m on it

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Ycats277

Fantastic. Get the mon drowsy version !!

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Adele_Julia

I have it just took it

Adele_Julia profile image

Ya! Let us know. It may take a few days to kick in !

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Adele_Julia

I don’t know why but I think I have tried this before I can’t imagine that I didn’t. And I’m thinking that it made my eyes tear more. But maybe I didn’t give it long enough. They’re tearing anyway so I am going to give this my best shot I have a whole bottle. Going to take one every day. And I thank you so much if this works I am going to be in heaven. Xx

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Ycats277

Prayers ! Check this link out. Great read. I have How to Starve Cancer by Jane McClelland. Loved her book and online course. Loratadine is also used to Block a cancer pathway!

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Adele_Julia

Reading it now :)

I've had the same issue for years (Faslo + Ibrance)...I once read that if you have *dry eyes* it actually shows up at tearing eyes...

I'm pretty oblivious to it but others have noticed. Typically I just explain that I'm not crying, but other times leverage it to say something like "What do you mean, you don't have oat milk for my coffee!!!". :)

I do wear contacts and maybe use the lubricating drops more, just being aware that I have dry (yet too wet!) eyes...

I hope you find a solution...


Staysha profile image

Hi,Just a thought but when I was on taxotere my eyes poured water. My onc actually sent me to an eye doctor. Seems some chemo can cause your tear ducts to close up. They can actually put stents in so that your eyes will drain correctly. I ended up not having to have this done. Just thought I’d mention it since your having such trouble with this.


Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Staysha

Thanks I know about the stents . Not thrilled :(

13plus profile image
13plus in reply to Staysha

I had this done after chemo and it definitely helped! After about 6 months (I think) they take them out

Tam-56 profile image

I have dry eyes from Ibrance and Letrozole. I use Refresh Optive Eye Drops several times a day recommended as by my ophthalmologist. It’s over the counter product.. he said to avoid eye drops that have a preservative in ingredients.

My eyes don’t tear as often since using this product.

Katie9898 profile image
Katie9898 in reply to Tam-56

Just ordered the eye drops, thanks

Gmaoftriplets profile image
Gmaoftriplets in reply to Tam-56

I also use Refresh optive eye drops. I worked in ophthalmology for 16 years and those drops were the choice of the doctors. Before my MBC diagnosis I had tubes inserted in my tear ducts for my chronic dry eyes, and they are still in 7years later!! I am also on Ibrance and letrozole.

EZSZ profile image

Oh yes, big time! Leaky nose & eyes. I was recommended Claritin, but am reluctant to take it daily, so I found a miraculous solution.Vick's rub - ever heard of it?

I rub it under my nostrils morning and night, and it does miracles to the nose.

Nothing to the eyes though.

When you rub it, very little (if you have dry skin from overblowing your nose, it will cure it!) Initially it stimulates the nose. But trust me, a miracle.

Good luck,


Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to EZSZ

That’s great 😃 but I don’t have the nose at all just the leaky eyes ! When you invent the next for the eyes please let me know . Ty so much .

love2golfwell profile image

I am on Ibrance and Letrozole and have noticed that one of my eyes runs more than the other but not to the extent that yours do. When I went for an eye exam the ophthalmologist said I have dry eyes, also seems strange when they clearly are wet, and he recommended Refresh. I have not tried that yet but plan to buy some soon. A friend of mine recommended something called Pataday (not sure of the spelling of this one) and she said that works great for her. Hope you find some help with the recommendations people have sent.

Katie9898 profile image

I have the same issue on Letrozole and Ibrance with monthly Xgeva shots. When I wake up in the morning, my eyelashes are clumped together from leaky eyes. It has definitely impacted my reading. Hope we can all find a solution!Donna

AvidBooklover profile image

When I had this a couple of years ago, which I blamed at this time of year on dry heat, my doctor recommended Zaditor and it worked instantly! Glad you brought this up, not that I am glad you have this, but because my eyes have been super dry and tearing and I forgot what the product in my medicine cabinet was

gerisplace profile image

Oh yes. One of the annoying side effects. I have been on Ibrance, Letrozole and xgeva/Zometa for five years now. Dry eyes has been one of the constant things. I’ve tried ointments, drops, plugs and nothing has worked. I take several allergy pills daily (for my hives outbreaks which is another side effect) and they don’t even help the watery eyes that much. I have decided to embrace these annoying side effects cause at least my cancer has remained stable for five years so far! It helps to know I’m not the only one. Wishing the best for you all❣️

13plus profile image

There are eye doctors who specialize in putting in tiny stents in your tear ducts! The tearing is because your ducts have shrunk in response to the medicines (I had this happen after Taxotere). It drove me crazy so I had it done. It sounds scary but it was fine- done in his office at a second visit. They are glass so you can’t rub your eyes but you can delicately dab at the inner corners is ok. The tubes stretch the ducts again. I think I had them in for 6 Months. You can’t feel them at all!

I only had the lower ducts done , he thought that was enough. If I’d had both upper and lower I think the response would’ve been even better. So, not quite normal but so worth while! I do suggest trying that avenue. Your oncologist should be able to suggest someone you can go to see.

And fyi, my tears were not constantly running down my cheeks but as someone else said, the cold, the wind, bending over, being tired, all seemed to get it flowing. I would often arrive at work (or anywhere lol) dabbing with a tissue (I couldn’t wear make up) and having to explain “all ok! I’m not crying”. Quite frankly it depressed me. I was so glad to mostly resolve the issue .

SusieIM profile image

yes unfortunately I have waterly eyes; thank you all for your feedback. It helps (smile).

Fifilatour profile image

Hi there! I’ve been on Ibrance/Faslodex/Xgeva for six months. Not so much with the watery or dry eyes, but my nose has not stopped running in six months! I know my WBC are heading down when my nose blows are a little blood specked. I have been suffering also from sinus and stress headaches, which worry me about my brain. My PCP put me on Azelastine nasal spray twice a day. It has definitely helped my runny nose and headaches. Been on it for about six weeks. Azelastine is an antihistamine nasal spray - Rx only. She also recommend I try OTC Flonase nasal spray (a steroid of sorts). The two can be used together. She suggested I experiment and I can say that Azelastine is working better for me than Flonase. Haven’t added OTC Zyrtec or Claritin as that doesn’t seem necessary. Good luck with the runny eyes. Not sure if any of this would help you, but any drying out of my face/sinuses would maybe help!

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Fifilatour

Thank you 😊

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Ycats277


Bexly profile image

My eyes water constantly. Especially, if I look down or bend over. I’m on Ibrance/Letrozole. It drives me crazy. I’ve been told it’s dry eyes, also. I will try the eye drops.

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Bexly

I tried the drops for years (3) they never worked for me at all . Someone said today that the eye doctor told her it was from the depletion of estrogen from the medication that we take for ER positive. That made the most sense to me out of everything I’ve heard. So the eye doctor said by taking krill oil that she should feel better, she said within a year she did. I just ordered the oil krill oil. I ordered captain krill oil.

Andersl profile image

I'm not on the drugs you're on but I had several months of runny, itchy eyes.

I took an antihistamine each day. It stopped.

In hindsight I think it was an allergy. I don't have it now but I'm still on the same 3 weekly cycle of kadcyla.

Looking at the other responses it does seem an antihistamine is a good thing to try.

Best of luck xx

Bexly profile image

That’s interesting. I’ve never heard that low estrogen could be a cause

Ycats277 profile image
Ycats277 in reply to Bexly

Me either , I will let you know

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