Hello everyone. I am four years and four months into this MBC journey and was diagnosed 20 years after having breast cancer in 1997. I have been on Ibrance and letrozole since my diagnosis along with Xgeva injections monthly. Just changed from Xgeva to Zometa which will be every three months. Starting in March I have been having random outbreaks of swelling and welts on my skin. My cheeks and lips swelled up and it lasted two days. I currently have welts on my upper arm and shoulder. My primary care doctor just recommended allergy meds and finally this week said she would refer me to an allergist. I’ve read that Ibrance and letrozole can cause skin issues but not sure if it’s likely when I’ve been on them so long. Have anyone out there experienced this? I’m hoping I don’t have to stop taking them.
Skin issues, hives and welts - SHARE Metastatic ...
Skin issues, hives and welts

I am on letrozole and ibrance. My lips swelled up 4 days after my second covid vaccine shot. Took allergy meds for a week . Fine now.
I am on IBRANCE faslodex and xgeva since December of 2018 for MBC on bone. I have a very very dry skin all over my body! Sometimes it seems like I have hives on deferent parts. I put lots of moisturizer all over. Once it was so bad the doctor thought I have shingles! However it comes and goesI hope your gets better soon
It may be that you need to keep better hydrated? I find my skin always gets drier amd starts to get itchy when I’m not drinking enough water daily
Before I was diagnosed with MBC, I had a skin condition call granuloma Anulare. Once I had been on my meds, Ibrance, Letrozole and Denocumab/Xgeva, the condition went away. For about two years. Now it’s back again. I hate hate hate it. But ap[art rom tryin out a drug called, Doxycycline, there’s nothing much I can do. I suffer from awful hot flushes, and I hate summer because I can’t wear too little clothing cause I look so ugly, but I am always so hot. It’s yucky, and I feel angry that I have to put up with it. But…..It doesn’t hurt. And it’s not itchy. I’m also still alive, so I guess I have to be thankful and not complain too much. Like I just have here!🤨
Effexor has helped me with hot flashes--went from many times a day, sweat running down my face and lobster red all over to occasional (less than every two weeks) warm surge. It is the treatment of choice for those of us with E + mbc who have hot flashes from treatment. I take 225 mg daily, the long acting type, 150 in am and 75 at bedtime.
I don't know if it was here or another mbc website, but I read recently that Xgeva can cause itching, red patches and bumps on skin. I have had skin issues off and on since 2012. Will be seeing my onc in three weeks and will ask her about it. Here I am with mbc and heart issues and my day to day problems are horrible itching, plus neuropathy (not cancer related and a long story). I've seen 3 different dermatoligsts and an allergist. Current derm has been the most caring!
Yes! I didn't have skin problems with Ibrance and Fulvestrant, just very dry skin, which they warned me about.
But Xgeva monthly for 6 months gave me really bad eczema. Had to see a dermatologist, had one leg wrapped with calamine, then zinc. It was a mess. When I went to Xgeva every three months, it went away. Minor outbreaks. Then it came back after a year. My oncologist thought it was the Ibrance. Back to the dermatologist, who gave me an ointment for legs and hands, and ,05 cortisone cream for face. I went off both Ibrance and Xgeva for 6 months. Off Ibrance permanently. I do have outbreaks from time to time. On my face is the worst. (Thank god for masks.) They are short-lived, though. I can only use the ointments short term. I am restarting Xgeva, and we shall see what happens.
I had been on Xgeva for over four years and just changed to Zometa in April which will be every three months. The skin issues started in March. So not sure if it's that. May be something I will have to just deal with. 😢
How were you able to get off both? What are you taking now? Mets to bone?
Able to? It was the last thing I wanted. I had disease progression, so oncologist concluded they had stopped working. This resistance is an interesting phenomenon. Apparently cancer can mutate like a virus to overcome the medications that are blocking them. That may be an oversimplification, but resistance happens, to some of us sooner than to others. I had hoped for a longer run.
I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with skin issues and might suggest visiting a dermatologist. Hoping things go well!