I am interested in finding out if coloring my hair will cause hair loss while on Ibance and Arimidex. I am new to this site having been diagnosed one month ago with Mac.
Can I color my hair with Mac? - SHARE Metastatic ...
Can I color my hair with Mac?

Hi Lily
I lighten my hair and have extensions as well as it’s got thinner round the sides
Lots of ladies on here dye their hair...it’s important to look good as it makes you feel better and able to face the world....I’m a bit vain still
At first I thought what’s the point of buying new clothes having nails done etc as I’m going to die anytime soon but after a while I got to buy a few nice things...even a bikini for my hols ( have a reconstruction on one side).... now I’m getting a new car ( well second hand) on Thursday
I’m ranting on here and you only asked about hair!!!
Stay on this forum as we’re all in the same boat (hell ship!) and are a very supportive group...not that any of us ever thought we would be here..ugh
Barb xx
Hi Barb,
I like the sound of your Kia Sportage. Very nice! I learned to drive an automatic car when I lived in America as manual cars are quite rare over there, but I don't know if I would be able to now. I prefer manuals.
Oh, and you are not vain for wanting to look good. When I am not out dog walking, I like to dress up, put some make-up on and look feminine. I'm a real girlie girl and like things to match. I also like to dress up when I see my oncologist or whenever I am having a treatment or a CT scan. I don't want to look like I got dragged through a bush sideways!
Sophie x
I put a neutral henna on my hair yesterday. If I leave it on for 5 hours it turns my greys a light golden colour. I was worried about hair loss as I am on Letrozole and Ibrance. I did think my hair was coming out at a faster rate than usual but then I realised that my cat and my friend's dogs are moulting like mad so maybe it's just the time of year. Anyway, having wet paste on my hair for 5 hours doesn't seem to have made a jot of difference. Good luck.
I have not stopped hair dye and it’s 3 years. I cut my hair short to keep it thick. Hair thinning has not been much. I still have some vanity left😂♥️
Hello ! I have continued with my blonde foil highlights every 3 months on my now shorter length bob styled hair ... it has thinned over 20 cycles of Ibrance but it’s not too obvious in my current style ( thinner round the sides and hairline ) . I use a caffeine shampoo for ladies over 50 and a smoothing balm as hair is a drier texture these days . Just choose gentle products x
Kia Sportage...I need a 4 wheel drive as road to stables horrendous ....that’s why it’s second hand as I don’t look after my cars!!!... it’s also automatic which I prefer
Barb xx
Hello....I asked my doctor's PA about hair coloring early on when I began taking Ibrance and Letrozole. She advised me not to use "regular" salon products and try to find a product with no ammonia or added parabens. I found hair coloring dye with no ammonia (Clairol Natural Instincts) at the store and took it to the salon. They know of my condition and did not give me any problems using what I bought. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long (about 28 washes). I try not to wash my hair everyday. My hair has been falling out a bit when I wash it but it is not noticeable. I recently purchased Nioxin for thinning hair. It was recommended by someone on this site. My honest opinion... do what makes you happy and makes you feel good and look good. WE deserve that much. Take care. Maria.
I continue to dye my hair red. I let it grow out for a while after my diagnosis but it made me depressed to look in the mirror and see very ugly gray hair. I am using the same salon semi permanent die that I have been having put on for years. No problems at all. My hair thinned considerably for the first 6 months but it has gotten thicker again. I’m about 15 months into Letrozol and Ibrance. Elaine
Our hair is sure important to us! One of the first things I did after beging diagnosed was visit a hair salon that specialized in wigs! lol I ordered one but cancelled the order when I found out that with the estrogen receptor positive mbc I would not be having hair damaging chemo but the much easier to be on anti hormonals. That was over 15 years ago and I have been coloring my hair, most at home, ever since! The first few years, my hair actually got thicker, and curlier! And, alas, grayer, though from age I am afraid and not cancer treatment. At this point, it is still curlier than before cancer and not as thick as the first few years in treatment but no where near thin enough to be noticed at all. One thing you will learn on this crazy cancer journey is that our bodies all react in their own unique way and making predictions is impossible, at least with anything close to accuracy! Some of us have side effects to one med and others have side effects to something else. I've always suspected that those of us who have the resources to find on line support groups probably do better than average since we have both the inner and outer resources to be on line and learning.......... The advise I give to those newly diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, or any serious cancer for that matter, is to see a specialist oncologist, somebody in our cases that only sees people with breast cancer, at least for a second opinion. Oncologists who specialize like that are most likely to know the latest treatments and research. In the US, the top tier of cancer centers are the Comprehensive Cancer Centers--there is a link to a list of those on the home page of this group. I've done that myself twice--once about six weeks after diagnosis, at the suggestion of my own local onc, and then several weeks ago. My long time onc retired at the end of last year and my new onc suggested I return to the CCC closest to us for another second opinion with one of hte top bc oncs in the country and probably the world. Both times, it's be very encouraging and I've left feeling more optimistic ........
Hello. I could not find that link. Do you know where a CCC nearest to upstate New York State is located? Thank you for that tip. I need to find a reliable doctor and a better treatment plan. Any info is greatly appreciated.
I am sorry I do not have that information.
I don't know if any of these are close to "upstate New York." Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC is certainly one of the best cancer centers in the US but you may not want to travel to NYC for a second opinion. I am going to paste info from the National Cancer Institute about NY CCs and CCCs. It is okay to ask your own onc about setting up a second opinion appt for you with a bc specialist onc. It doesn't mean that you don't like/respect/trust your own onc, but that this is life or death for us and getting an opinion for a real expert is quite reasonable. Some times arrangements can be made so we see a local onc most of the time, but see a specialist that we have to travel to see and they work together on our treatment.
New York
Albert Einstein Cancer Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, New York
Cancer Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center
Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Basic Laboratory Cancer Center
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Buffalo, New York
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Columbia University
New York, New York
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Tisch Cancer Institute
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York
Cancer Center
Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Health
New York, New York
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Thank you so much for ALL of that information. How kind of you!!! I am familiar with MSK and had my surgery there, I wasn't sure if that was considered a Comprehensive Cancer Center as they don't seem to put much weight in alternative treatments. I will be reaching out to them this week to perhaps set up a zoom appointment. May be possible because of CoVid. The oncologist that I was seeing at MSK died in September so I have to find someone else, which makes it a little harder to pick up with them. These days, with the pain, everything seems difficult!. I still would like to know your 15 year secret! God bless you and thank you so much for caring and responding.
No secret--just very lucky to have nice lazy easily controlled cancer cells. Until about two years ago, I had a wonderful very experienced onc who I liked, trusted and was on the same wave length as I am. She retired without much notice about two years--she was in her 70s then and I think she was forced to retire. The onc I am seeing now is younger and I don't feel the same confidence in her as I did my first onc. I think I will be changing treatment from Exemestane to Tamoxifen soon. I had a PET scan today and see her next Tuesday. Will know more then. In the meantime, I have set up cataract surgery next Monday. So much going on medically.........
I still color mine at the salon every 3-4 weeks. Was on Ibrance/Letrazole for 9 cycles before it stopped working. I have lost almost 2/3 of my hair now very thin and still shedding. I use a great deal of root cover mostly on the crown and sides and see very little regrowth but I'll never stop coloring my hair. I don't even have enough to do tape in extensions without being seen and not enough to cover the weft of a Halo Couture.
I’ve been coloring my hair for the past 18 mos with MBC with no problems. I do invest in great products and styling tools and I keep my hands out of my hair once it is styled. Thankfully no problems - yet!
I'm glad I made you laugh, Sandra! When I was first diagnosed, I lost my appetite for a while, but I still liked to dress up. It's something I still have control over, so don't want to lose that.
I am starting Ibrance and arimidex this week and I plan on continuing to have my hair colored. I was on ibrance for awhile about 1 and half yeArs ago and still colored my hair. I don’t think it made my hair fall out. Go for it.
Thank you. I went ahead yesterday and had it colored. I will watch carefully and report any hair loss.
Had my hair colored six weeks ago. My stylist suggested trying Bosley shampoo, Bosley invented hair transplants. I ordered the set with shampoo, cream rinse & mousse from Amazon.
Hair feels thicker but still dry. I use a tiny bit of hair oil/pomade.
I lost 2/3 of my hair on a Letrozole combo.
Had to carry packaging tape and never wore dark colored tops. I’ve been on Faslodex & Ibrance 6 months. Hair has stopped falling out and a recent bone & CT scan showed a slight decrease in bone & lungs. Hallelujah! Get your hair colored ladies. If it’s thin use gentle products❣️
I get mine colored at the salon. Hadn’t caused hair loss at all. She uses some type of temporary color and it lasts about 8 weeks before i need to go again.