This past week, week two off Ibrance because of low WBC, I felt a heaviness in upper chest, breathless, and consequently, sky rocketing high blood pressure. I called oncologist but all they heard was "chest pain" and "can't breathe" and sent me to the ER. 7 hours late and countless tests, I emerged perfectly fine with no heart or lung impact. I felt stupid to have wasted time and energy exploring what I feel is some of the side effects of Ibrance, Anastrozole and zometa. What should I have done? I told the ER the meds Im on but I didn't know then that my symptoms were compatible with those meds...anastrozole and zometa specifically list chest pain and shortness of breath in their serious side effects...I have to have a talk with my oncologist...
Ibrance, anastrozole, zometa side eff... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Ibrance, anastrozole, zometa side effects

I had bad palpitations and shortness of breathe and my Cancer nurse sent for an ECG and blood pressure monitor. I was fine. It was the Ibrance. I suppose they have to be cautious. Don’t feel stupid. It’s best to get things checked out. For our own benefit. So pleased you are ok now. Take care.Cheryl

Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind next time... so many meds with common side effects are sure to mess one up . Am truly better now ! Thx !
I think you did the right thing! You didn't waste anyone's time, it was absolutely right to check your heart! It could have been something. My dad had similar symptoms when he had a heart attack. Xx
Better to be safe than sorry , we have enough to deal with . Glad you are feeling better. Luann

Thank’s the worry about everything that makes it even more difficult.😏
Thank you are hemoglobin numbers were low...which was why I have to take a two week hiatus from IBrance. In the beginning of January my numbers hit a high but after a Shingrix vaccine on Jan 5 they went down (connected?) and then I couldn’t restart as planned. Im off to get retested today ..hopefully I can restart on Monday...this past week I’ve been poked and prodded more times than I care to remember. Thank you again for your helpful reminder since the panic really set in when I was told to make that trip to ER...hugs!
Glad to hear that you are okay. And I am glad you went to the hospital. Even IF the chest pain and difficulty breathing were a side effect of the meds, you still would need to go. Then, and if there is a next time. No one should second guess the seriousness or cause of such symptoms. And, on the outside chance this was anxiety... there are things you can do about that, too! xoxo
Thank you Mary! It’s been very helpful to hear that going the ER route was indeed the right response. Bless you for your kind response.🥰
As someone who has had panic attacks in the past (and have had a "rescue med" for anxiety since my MBC diagnosis), your symptoms are familiar to me. Ruling out heart and lung issues is the first step (always start with medical reasons for something), but if you continue to have this happen to you, I hope you will consider getting something to help you through these times (if it is anxiety related). I also just started medical cannabis, which can help with all kinds of things... including anxiety. For me, I'd rather not take more pharmaceuticals if I have a natural solution for some things. Then again, my anxiety is now a rarity. Still have my rescue med, if I need it. And it really did help with my earlier struggles with high blood pressure (when I went to appointments, which I STILL get... as I absolutely have White Coat Syndrome), etc. Either way, you never mess around with chest pains or inability to breathe. Even if you think it may be anxiety.
Rather than thinking of this as something you feel "stupid" about, try thinking of it as taking care of yourself. Any one of us experiencing what you experienced should go to the ER. Always.
Have a nice weekend!
It's always best to get checked out and let your onc know what's happening. Glad you are ok.
Thank you...I’m waiting to get the results! You’ve been very helpful!