I have Covid! Ugh!: Hi, I've been on... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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I have Covid! Ugh!

Scampbell63 profile image
55 Replies


I've been on Ibrance and Letrozole for almost 4 years for MBC that was a reassurance from almost 20 years prior. At that time it was triple negative. This time no tumor, but fluid and tissue in my plural cavity that caused a lung to collapse and needed thoracic surgery to fix.

Since then, I've been fine but contracted covid this week while spending the last few days with my mom who died of late stage lung cancer Wednesday. So far my symptoms were just fever, chills and loss of appetite. Really nothing else. The fever seems to be gone the last almost 24 hours. I am hold up in a hotel in DC until I feel safe enough to go back to my home in central VA. I wanted to be close to Georgetown Hospital in case my breathing went south, I am planning on going home tomorrow if i am still stable. I've also been taking a number of immunity supplements, like D, C zinc, etc.

My question is has anyone else on here tested positive for covid and how was the experience?

Thanks all and be well!

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Scampbell63 profile image
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55 Replies
Scampbell63 profile image

Sorry that should be recurrence! Darn autocorrect!

Zebra2018 profile image

I am sorry about loss of your mom. I hope you feel better soon and be able to go back to your home. It seems like you have light version of the virus. Get well soon 👍😁😍

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Zebra2018

Thank you!!! <3

Anitafazz profile image

I have been on the same treatment for 1 year and tested positive for covid on 12/17 . I never had a fever but a lot of congestion fatigue and loss of taste and smell . I stopped taking my ibrance 7 days prior to testing positive because my husbnad tested positive on 12/10 . Still waiting to see onc to tell me to get back on my treatments . Have a appt next friday I hope you feel better soon and im sorry to hear about your mom . Hopefully you get to go home soon . Covid is scary but im glad its over and im back to normal . Hopeful that me not taking my ibrance for 4 weeks didn't wake anything up in there .

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Anitafazz

Yes, so far it seems pretty mild. I do haven't had a fever or chills in 24 hours now. So hoping. I was on my off week with Ibrance and was supposed to start Monday. They want me to wait 20 days and then start again without testing. That means I start on the 24th. I've had to stop for a week a couple of time b/c of low platelets. I think you should be just fine! :)

Thanks for the info and the wishes! xo

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Scampbell63

Get well soon and I hope you can then travel home , and hopefully soon restart ibrance. Sorry about your mum . Take care ! x

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Teddielottie

I will start again in the 24th! Was on my week off when I was diagnosed thank goodness! Thank you so much!

viennagirl profile image

I wish you a complete and full recovery. I hope it is just a very mild case for you. Hugs Vienna

Sarciejane profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you have Covid. 😞

Itisfinished profile image

Yes maam I have covid and have had it going on into my second week of it. It's been rough. The dr put me on a zpack, steroids and a cough medicine. I started out with a temp and a headache and body aches then I lost my taste. It has basically been going on in my whole family. My oncologist took me off of ibrance for now but not Letrozole. It has been the craziest thing because one day you feel great and the next day you feel like you got run over by a mack truck. My appetite has picked up some so that's good. What are your symptoms and how is the dr treating you?

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Itisfinished

My first symptoms were on Tuesday. Just fever and chills really. Only lasted 2 days. Since then I lost some sense of smell, but not all. They took me off Ibrance till the 24th and I am staying on Letrozole. I have been taking for quite a few months now zinc, D, C and Querticin (not sure of that spelling). I read they are all recommended for the immune system. I am hoping they will keep my symptoms mild. Tomorrow is day 5, so we shall see....

Hope you get better soon, sounds like you had it pretty rough!

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to Scampbell63

I am taking the exact same supplements you are taking. I just got the Querstin in and started on it yesterday. My daughter order me that to take.

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Itisfinished

I really think it all helps. My mom was a huge believer in that kind of thing. :)

SMPG profile image
SMPG in reply to Itisfinished

I am sorry you have to suffer through this, on top of everything else. I hope your sense of taste and smell have returned.

Beryl71 profile image

Be careful, hope you recover soon. But also hope you have access to help if necessary.x

Itisfinished profile image

Also sorry to hear of your mom passing. It has seemed to me that we all have been going through some test and trials....God help us to pull through. Praying for you and praying for a speedy recovery for you and the rest of us. I am here if you need to ask any questions or just want to talk!

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Itisfinished

Thank you!!! You are so right!

8576 profile image

Sorry to hear about your Mom. What a terrible experience getting Covid on top of that. Wishing you well. I can't help you with your question as I have never had Covid. I am sure you will get some answers here. You sound like a very strong person and you can collapse once you get home

Cheers, June S.

Lilykristymichael profile image
Lilykristymichael in reply to 8576

So sorry about your mom thank you for posting your covid experience. Gives anyone else on here who gets it some hope!!-Madlyn

My sympathies go out to you on the loss of your Mum. Hoping you get through Covid ok. It makes it less scary for us who haven’t had it yet to know that people are recovering from the virus.Get home safe

Clare x

Mary115 profile image

Just thinking about you as you are dealing with so much..May you feel the care even if it is coming through cyber space...

It is real... ((((((((Scampbell)))))))

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Mary115

Thanks so much for checking on me. Rough night last night, mom is being cremated today up in Manhattan and it all still doesn't seem real. Not feeling great today, it is the all telling 5th day of covid, but I think I am just tired from everything going on with me. Keeping my fingers crossed! <3

PJBinMI profile image

Sending love, cyberhugs (((((HUG))))) and prayers! What a lot to be going through all at once! My mother died from lung cancer in 1985 and I still remember how emotionally intense that was. A great mom is one of the very best gifts we can have in life! I was able to mother on auto-pilot, mothering as I had been mothered...... I've not had covid and am hoping I can get the vaccine sometime soon. This is the first time I've heard of a metster having to deal with it and I really appreciate your posting about this here. Ibrance can cause lung damage--I wonder if that is why oncs seem to be taking people off of it when they have Covid. I have permanent lung damage (interstitial lung disease) from a few cycles of Ibrance in 2016, But I am still here and only a few weeks away from 17 year mark with mbc. I hope you won't have any more terrible events in 2021!

Scampbell63 profile image

Thank you so much for your kind words, they help a lot! I had some lung damage due to the MBC going to my plural cavity and having a lung collapse. I needed surgery for that, so there is some scaring and tissue on my left side. They put me on Ibrance right after I recovered and I've been on it almost 4 years now. All is still pretty good. I will go back on it on the 24th. I guess everyone is different.

mudakurag profile image
mudakurag in reply to Scampbell63

So sorry to hear of your Mother. Covid,too ,is scary,I'm sure.Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Totheriver profile image

So sorry to hear about your Mom💕. Also I hope you feel better soon.

mariootsi profile image

I wish you a quick recovery. Have a safe trip home. So sorry to hear about your mom.

Mimigram profile image

You might add oregano P73 drops in addition to what you are taking already. I had Covid and had a mild case but used all of those supplements too.

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Mimigram

I will look into it as well! Thank you!!

Red1246 profile image

So very sorry to read about your mom - my condolences. Relieved to hear you seem to have a mild case of Covid and hope all symptoms are soon gone.

Take care and bug virtual hugs. 🙏🏻K

Fight2016 profile image

To answer your question, yes, I have had COVID. I’m on ibrance and letrozole for 4 years now. Contracted COVID 12/2 despite being extremely cautious. My oncologist advised me to hold ibrance and continue letrozole while I was feeling ill. I woke up feeling very dizzy as I went to work. As the morning went on I had chills, body aches, and pretty pronounced back pain. I left at noon, got tested, and went home to sleep. I woke up to a phone call stating I was positive. I was scared. I went back to work 2 weeks later but felt very fatigued for a while. Be safe and take care of yourself.

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Fight2016

I am glad you are better! Mine said to stay off Ibrance 20 days and to isolate. I work remote, so that is easy for me. My husband is staying down at our cabin and work for 10 days, hoping this will be it for us.

SeattleMom profile image

First of all, my utmost sympathy for the loss of your mom. What a tragic week you’ve had. I’m sending prayers for your Covid recovery.

God bless you, dear one! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗

JKMS profile image

I tested positive on 21 December and finally was told I was clear on 5 January (day before we went back into lockdown in England!). My only symptoms were a loss of taste and smell after a few days and sensitive skin. They took me off palbociclib until I was clear. Totally appreciate everyone reacts differently but I can’t even say it was a bad as a mild cold. Also a consultant told me that many people at the oncology centre had tested positive and very few had symptoms interestingly. I am truly sorry to hear about your Mother and that you have tested positive but hopefully you will also continue to have limited symptoms. This may sound counter intuitive but as I have concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, having caught it has put my mind at rest a little. Do let us know how you get along and take care.

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to JKMS

Glad you wrote that and you are better! I have the sensitive skin too. Eyelids are sore to the touch.

hurricaneheather profile image

may your mother remain in your heart. may you be loved. may you be at ease.

Mary115 profile image

Scampbelli Sorry that you are having a rough time of it. This covidtime is so hard.. the very real chance of illness, coupled with the heartache of isolation from those we need and who need us, at the time when the need is the highest. Am holding you in thought.. I hope you can feel the concern even if it is coming through cyber space. .. I will check in later

Mary115 profile image

Just checking in to ((((((((Scampbelli))))))))

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Mary115

I am hanging in there! You are so sweet to check on me. Still have a fever and chills off and on, but I think I am getting there. :)

Mary115 profile image

Scampbell Sounds rough with still having fever and chills off and onbut good that you think that you are getting there.. I continue to be in your corner and caring for you.. May you feel strengthening in solidarity. We hold each other up in Cancer so it seems that sharing can extend to Covid as well as times of crisis.


jersey-jazz profile image

God bless!

Joannaaaa profile image

Sorry for the loss of your Mum, sending good wishes to you.

Mary115 profile image

Just checking in on you.

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Mary115

Hi Mary! I am doing much better! Me and my sisters are not on to the process of grieving and cleaning up our parents apt and condo. Actually they mostly are since I now live almost 7 hours away. It is now hard for me to believe I was going up every couple of weeks for over a year. Since covid, I drove since the doc did not want me to take public transportation. I put 20k on my new jeep I only finally got in July, lol! Well worth it!

Mary115 profile image
Mary115 in reply to Scampbell63

7 hours drive for all most a year.. You are amazing. Impressive work you have been doing with dealing with so much.. May you feel good about all the efforts you have made for your own health and for the care of your parents. Sometimes we deserve a medal.

Joannaaaa profile image

Sorry about your mum's passing, I lost my dad 16 January and tested positive for covid after visiting him before he died, terrible times for our loved ones and for medical staff trying their best for everyone. My symptoms was mild just catch in my breath\chest and tiredness no fever no chills no sickness. Breathing much better in second week but not back to normal yet, but nearly there. My scans due in 2 weeks so fingers crossed and hoping I'll be back on ibrance soon.

Mary115 profile image
Mary115 in reply to Joannaaaa

Joannnaaaa What an ordeal you have also been through. We sometimes just keep going wondering where the strength comes from.. and yet we continue on and make things good for ourselves and others. Amazing women here..

Joannaaaa profile image
Joannaaaa in reply to Mary115

Thanks Mary, amazing ladies on here for sure, I'm grateful for them sharing their experience and wisdom. Take care

Mary115 profile image

Joannaaaa And amazing you as one of the amazing ones..

Mary115 profile image

Just checking in and sending care and solidarity in the path we are walking..Together all of us here.

Scampbell63 profile image

I am over covid. No coughing for 4 days now, whoot, whoot!!! Still going through the grieving process as best I can. I think about calling mom at least 4 times a day. Gives me a pit in my stomach....

Mary115 profile image

Scampbell..So good to hear that you have been coughing free for four days.. That is a strong start. That urge to pick up the phone and talk does seem to get less often and less intense, but it remains for many of us as a sign of a deep connection that remains. Some of us have the opportunity to grieve for good times rather than grieving over only what we wanted and could not have .. There is such a thing as good grief, and your grief sounds like one of the dearest. I am sorry it is so hard but grateful that you have had a mother in your life who was worth your grief... and she had you...

Scampbell63 profile image
Scampbell63 in reply to Mary115

I am completely better and had my apt and scans this week. My oncologist is so amazed with losing both parents in the last 9 months and having covid myself that my scans were as she put it, "great!" She now says it is ok for me to see her in 3 months now and scans later. I am coming up on my 4th year on letrozole and Ibrance. Still eating keto, so no more side effects from Ibrance. I am thankful to God that life is good, even though like you said that urge to call mom is great. I talk to her all the time though. She got me through the horrid bone scan (i am claustrophobic), lol! :)

Mary115 profile image

This is so good to read. That Good Mother Getting-Us-Through tenacity is especially good to read. What a testament you are to living life well and being thankful too. Thank You for your take on things

Scampbell63 profile image

Thanks, Mary!!! I know this too shall pass and things will get easier. The urge to pick up the phone to call her is still there. Instead I just kind of tell her in my head. Whatever helps they say! <3

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