COVID: My husband just had a positive... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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PJBinMI profile image
15 Replies

My husband just had a positive home covid test. My test was negative. I"ve phoned both onc and rad onc and am waiting to hear back about starting Taxol tomorrow and rads to lower spine on Thursday to see if there is any reason for me to delay either of these. I want to scream!

Has anybody had Covid had an impact on treatment?

12/20-Afternoon: Thank you for all the supportive and informative replies! I'm still neg for Covid and symptoms and hubby is breathing alot better. We slept separately the last two nights and wear masks when we're in the same room, which isn't often.

My rad appts are going ahead as planned but I'm to ware a mask and cancel if I do a home test that is +. First Taxol infusion (today) canceled and rescheduled for next Thurs.

My step-daughter had a double Mastectomy for stage 2 E +BC two days ago. Her boyfriend was there with her (far, far away from us) and kept us informed every step of the way. She called herself a little while ago, is home, tired but doing well. All this adds up to a very unique (for our family) Christmas! But we all seem to be coping well and able to laugh about alot of it!

Hugs to all.............

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PJBinMI profile image
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15 Replies
bubblystream profile image

I had it twice. No impact. If you have it yourself they may wait a week to treat. My cars were mild

Pam ☺️

Discocat profile image


I had covid a few weeks ago. My husband never caught it. I tried to keep my distance from him around the house. I sprayed Detol aerosol and wore a mask and slept in a separate bedroom.

I tested positive for around 5days...I've caught it three times in total and this time I didn't even mention it to the oncologist and I just kept taking the ibrance as normal. Of course if I had reason to go into the clinic whilst being positive I would of cancelled. I just stayed home and had lots of soup.

Has taken sometime to get rid of symptoms as the runny nose and sneezing lingered on. Now I'm on the off week being ibrance free I feel fine again.

Eliactida1955 profile image
Eliactida1955 in reply to Discocat

I have had Covid I did not stop treatment. Do what your onc says . He knows best…

kiwi67 profile image

Boy, you two are having a rough time, 'bugger' as my 92 year old mum who lives with us would say. Its now her response to anything that isn't going right. I bet he caught it at that hospital appointment you two had, worst places to catch Covid. I caught it at the beginning of my treatment and the only places I had been in the 10 days prior were the Doctors and the hospital. I gave it to my mum and my sister but not my husband who's the closest to me physically so you may avoid it, I really hope so. Fingers crossed for you

atoth17 profile image

I had it back in August and no one else in the house caught it, I did not stop treatment but so was in my “off” week of Gemzar. I slept in another room, wore a mask, and just stayed away from people. :) I hope you don’t get it.

HelenWi profile image

I had Covid in early November. I stopped Piqray and took Paxlovid for five days which may be why it was mild. This was my first Covid.

I think you did the right thing to ask your onco and now don’t worry — they’ll take care of you.

Best to you.

Fiercefighter13 profile image

I came down with Covid at the end of June of this year. I had taken an extra week off Xeloda to go to Disneyland, and that’s when I came down with it. I stayed off Xeloda an additional 6 weeks so I was off 8 weeks total. I’m usually on a 7 days on, 7 days off schedule. It made no difference at all, my markers never even came back up. Honestly, it was a much needed break from all the cancer protocols. I hope you keep testing negative and that your husband clears the virus quickly! Breast cancer tends to be a marathon and not a sprint, so it shouldn’t make a big difference delaying treatment for a few days. Wishing you well, I hope everything works out in the best way for you! Take good care!!

Chamisa profile image

I haven’t had Covid but I did have to take antibiotics when I first started Ibrance/fulvestrant and I ended up with a raging case of oral thrush. That took awhile to overcome. The antibiotics killed all the “good stuff” and the Ibrance kept my body from mounting a decent defense. (I’m currently on Xeloda.)

About Covid, when asked (I was planning on going on a cruise) my UTSW oncologist said to stop my treatment meds if I got sick and needed to take paxlovid. I mentioned that to my MD Anderson oncologist and she went further. She said to stop all my treatment meds if I got sick with Covid (not only if I was taking paxlovid) because it all puts too much stress on the body. She said I should first recover from (any potential) Covid, then resume my cancer treatment.

So definitely ask your oncologist.

monkeygirl62 profile image

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through! Especially at Christmas time, it's a blessing you had your family Christmas get together early because this certainly would have been so sad not to see family. How's your pain? Can your hubby take paxlovid? My sister got COVID when we all were at a funeral (my niece died in a car accident last year at 28 years old) she took paxlovid and she said it cut down her symptoms and shortened the duration. I started wearing a mask every where since starting Ibrance (Dec. 13th) along with letrozole. I feel for you with the pain. I have a large tumor pressing on a nerve under my left armpit and have neuropathy and little use of my hand and arm. So will delaying the radiation mean remaining in pain?

love2golfwell profile image

Hoping and praying that you stay negative for Covid so that you can start your treatment protocol and have your radiation treatments. Also hoping that your husband will recover quickly. I'm sorry you have had to deal with so many things lately. Sending you hugs and prayers.

Tolife_18 profile image

I’m recovering from COVID. Had a high fever, cough, congestion etc. my oncologist recommended to stop Ibrance during the active stage to allow the body to fight the infection.

All the best to you!

Beryl71 profile image

I was just told to let them know if I felt poorly as I was eligible for certain treatments. As it was I had milder symptoms than my partner although I was positive for eleven days! It's a lottery and I think is only of concern if your symptoms are very bad.

SoulJourney profile image

I had COVID a year ago November. I was taken off chemo along time as it really snowballed! A weaker immune system makes fighting anything so much harder.

I was given paxlovid. Helped lessen the symptoms as I had such a tight chest within the first day. I got rebound COVID 12 days after finally testing negative. I was told I couldn’t have Paxlovid the second time. The rebound was much shorter, just 5 or 6 days. The final insult was waiting to go in for bloodwork to start chemo again and I came down with shingles! With it being caught right away I was started on medication.

I ended up having no treatments for 3 months! Good news is the uptake wasn’t as severe as anyone anticipated.

Last month my son had COVID. I stayed in treatment just isolated me from other cancer patients. I am on a different treatment plan than a year ago.

I guess I am saying keep your oncologist in the loop. You might be ok but it may be dangerous for someone else.

So so sorry your plate is so full at the moment. A big hug for you and you daughter!

Praying for you and your family!


Gingerann1 profile image

Hi! I had it last summer (2022) and stopped my Ibrance for a week until my next Onc appt. He made a point of telling me that if I got it again it was okay to continue on my meds. I think that the whole Covid outbreak initially was a big learning curve for all Drs. until there were enough stats to tell us what and what not to do. Hoping you don’t get it. My husband tested positive two days after I did. Thankfully we both had mild cases.

Rbeth profile image

I had Covid and the onc canceled taxol treatment until I was clear. I was then taken off taxol as they just (end of October) approved an oral.medication TRUQAP for Medistatic Cancer that has mutated. I have all three mutations. I will start it in mid January.

Best to you. Check out TRUQAP. My onc was waiting for the approval. The medications are getting better and better. Reenie from Rochester NY

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