Hello everyone,
I hope you are all staying safe and doing well! It has been about 7 months since I last posted about my mom. My mom is 44 a dialysis patient, last year had a canceroid in the lung, it was a terrible time, but removed (no spread). This year she had a cancer tumor removed from her breast (not linked to the lung) and doctor said she had no spread to lymph nodes after surgery, she takes hormones (not sure what they are called but it is a pill) daily, and she finished radiation about 3 months ago. The oncologist said that the chance of her breast cancer coming back was very low. But of course we still worry. Anyways, she had a scan about 3 months ago as well, and the doctor said she found some small masses(not sure what she called them) in the other breast. My mom panicked but the doctor said she shouldn't worry, that they were benign. My mom insisted and said she rather know the truth, but the doctor said they were normal and not harmful, but she would do a mammogram again on September to keep her under watch just in case. This is coming soon and I am so scared. My mom has gone through so much, she recently had her dialysis tube changed too, so I worry everyday. I pray that everything is well like the doctor said, but I am terrified of going through the process we went through this year, how can I relax? Any techniques? I know the doctor said don't worry, but at this point I don't think I could take going through it again. Just thinking about this recently makes my stomach turn, the times we went through when it was detected were so hard this year.