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Blood tests and CT scans

31 Replies

Sisters in the UK can I ask you if you get priority when going for your blood test. I do as being a Cancer patient I am not allowed to wait in the Phlebotomy Dept as other patients waiting may be carrying something untoward. What I find strange is on the odd occasion my CT Scan is done in A & E and I have to walk through a row of patients on beds that have been brought in by ambulance for possible admittance into hospital and as emergencies. My mind is just blown away by this. When I mentioned it to my Chemo Nurse she said when I check in tell the receptionist in the CT Scanning area and she will sit me somewhere else. Still no help as I have to go through A&E. Comments please lovelies.

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31 Replies
Barbteeth profile image

Hi there

I wouldn’t be happy with this either

You need to put in a formal’s ridiculous

I’m fortunate that I go to a cancer centre where the walking wounded infected patients are not around

I know you can pick up anything anywhere but this is different...stand up for yourself otherwise it’s an extra stress you can do without

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Think my best bet is to refuse the appointment when it next comes through and tell them why. It’s a huge hospital with lots of scanners. I would rather wait a few weeks extra before doing that again. Take it easy xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

Maybe you could ring the dept doing the ct to check before you attend ( from your appointment letter ) . I have just rung mine to notify them of a weeks holiday I have at the start of April , when my ct scan is next due , and they made a note of it on the system , for when they send out the next appointments . x

in reply to Teddielottie

Thanks for input x

Teddielottie profile image

I am in the U.K. (N.H.S.) but I am fortunate to have my bloods done in the chemo ward ...I have a chemo “chair “ booked for a 40 min slot each month . One of the regular chemo nurses takes my blood and within a few minutes I am given a mini printout of my wbc/ neutrophyls etc ., and then I am given my Ibrance / Letrozole for the month (from the hospital’s pharmacy ) and my next “chair” appointment print -off for 4 weeks time . Sometimes I can be out in less than half an hour , along with my meds . This has worked really well for me , so far , (28 cycles) though there is always the chance that someone in the chemo unit could have a cough /illness . If I am waiting for my 6 monthly CT scan , there is a waiting area , but I haven’t so far requested to be separated , maybe will wear a mask in the current climate at my next appointment in April ? !x😷

CincinnatiExperience profile image
CincinnatiExperience in reply to Teddielottie

I have read that "standard" masks do no good at all. There are too many gaps, etc. I did take one at the oncologist last week, but mainly to protect others from my cough.


Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to CincinnatiExperience

I agree that washing hands well and using the hospital’s sanitizer are probably the best protection , and moving away from anybody coughing or sneezing ! x

in reply to Teddielottie

If we can move away. Looking around and checking over your shoulder doesn’t even help. I’m hand sanitiser crazy and use my Vick Defence Nasal Spray before I go shopping etc. Xx

in reply to CincinnatiExperience

Think that’s right Anne. Although I have them I don’t think I will be using them. I will listen to hospital advice. As you say it’s for those coughing and sneezing to use.

Best wishes

in reply to Teddielottie

Seems well organised. It’s shameful in the hospital at times but it’s shortage of staff. I am so grateful for my treatment though and I am happy with the staff that treat me. I do have masks but I’m not sure I will wear one due to advice given about them. Don’t know what to do for the best do we? We are just so vulnerable. I’m going to try and think nice thoughts for us all. Take care

Kiera49 profile image
Kiera49 in reply to Teddielottie

Your lucky Teddielottie I am also in uk and have to wait 1 hour for blood tests to come back before I can have treatment, your hospital has got it together, if one hospital can get it together others should be able to do it too. Where abouts are you I'm in norfolk

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Kiera49

West Yorkshire x

Kiera49 profile image
Kiera49 in reply to Teddielottie

That's where I come from in halifax maybe should have stayed there lol

Suzipops profile image

Wow, ladies, I to am in the U.K. and have to go to the normal phlebotomists and have to wait around 3hrs for the blood test on a Tuesday (sitting in the waiting area with everyone else - last time there where 60 people in front of me) around half an hour for my iberance and denasumab injection on a Thursday. I can’t do it on the same day as there is no time to get the results back. Then I have to go to my GP for zoladex injection usually the next Tuesday as I don’t work on Tuesdays, and then down to the local pharmacy for letrozole and rivaroxiban blood thinners as the hospital pharmacy won’t provide this medication. I also have to fit in scans and oncology appointments inbetween and the wait at outpatients is usually 45-60 mins each visit.

Does everyone else in U.K. have just one appoint each month to sort all medication and injections.

in reply to Suzipops

Hi, you should insist that whoever is issuing your form for the blood test puts priority on it or it states Gold Seal. You shouldn’t be in a general waiting room. I go for bloods the day before I go to the Chemo Dept so my results are there ready for my jab and prescription. I can have it done the same day but prefer to go the day before incase results are not back in time for my meds. I don’t wait to long in the Chemo Dept although it changes from month to month. I collect my Letrozole from my local pharmacy. Ibrance is collected at the hospital when jab is done. Have a word. Don’t be at risk. Best wishes

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Suzipops

I’m in Nottingham

I get the bloods done...wait and hour or so till results back then get my denosumab injection together with my meds...whole procedure all done on the same day

What a faff you go through...can’t you ask for the first appointment then go for a walk/coffee or something then go back for your injection?

I order one of my meds I get from GP online so pick up from my local pharmacy when it suits me

I would definitely complain as you shouldn’t be exposed to these other people when you take drugs which attack our

bone marrow

Is the phlebotomist aware you have mbc?

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Suzipops

I just have the one monthly appointment in the chemo ward ...tho’ I do not have any injections .However, I do know that my local hospital phlebotomist department do prioritise any patients on any type of chemo if they do need a blood test doing there just mention it to the receptionist there and she ensures you do not have to wait long . I’m sure this could be the same in most hospitals , so do ask ! x

in reply to Teddielottie

Great. We are at risk xx

in reply to Suzipops

Hi Suzi,

My blood test forms say "urgent" on them. I visit my local health clinic for my pre-zometa blood tests once every three months. My clinic offers a walk-in service from 11-12pm, but if you get there at 11:00am you will find that people have already taken tickets so you might be 20th in line! So to avoid having to wait (and possibly missing out) I always make an appointment and am seen on time. The phlebotomist doesn't keep me waiting if I have an appointment.

I get my zoladex injections on Tuesdays too. My next one is going to be on the 17th. Sometimes I have to wait for my appointment, but it's not usually too long. The longest I waited was about an hour, but the doctors had got really far behind for some reason that day. There may have been an emergency that they were dealing with. In any case, the surgery was packed.

Do you have to wait long at the pharmacy for your prescription? We should receive prescriptions within two business days here, but my local Lloyds has been really bad about that in recent months. So now I put my prescription request in for letrozole and Adcal D3 at least a week out, so that when I turn up it is ready or I only have to wait a matter of minutes. I was getting tired of having to wait 30 minutes or more to collect a prescription even after allowing enough days for pick-up.

I can also relate to having to sit and wait to see my oncologist. I had a 9:30am appointment with my oncologist last month. I was her first appointment of the day, but she was still running late! CT scan wait times are not too bad for me. But like you, I don't like having to wait around so much for appointments. I just want to get on with things, and get going. I really don't want to be hanging around the health clinic, doctor's surgery or hospital any longer than I have to. I have other things to be getting on with!


Mindysooty profile image

hmm never had to do that. I always just go to radiology dept for my CT scans. Go to main xray reception then re-directed to a smaller waiting area for the CT and MRI scans.

re bloods, the results get fast tracked but not me - I do have to wait my turn along with everyone else in there.

in reply to Mindysooty


in reply to Mindysooty

I do not live in the UK but were reading the comments and thinking sure doesn't work that way in the US. I go to radiology for my CT scans and I wait to get called for my blood with several other people all sitting together on a u shaped couch. It is a cancer center so I assume we all have different types of cancer as many are men. Sometimes in the large waiting area they bring people in on stretchers.

I sit in a large waiting area to be called to go to the other waiting area for our blood tests. I assume since it is a cancer center that everybody there has cancer although most dont have MBC and have other forms of cancer and alot of people (not me) bring relatives, family or some of their their home aides to help them.

There is no such thing as priority in our blood dept. room. Everybody there has some form of cancer and I am not less important than another. Sometimes it is so crowded that all seats and couches are taken. They call by name and what time your appt. was. MBC patients do not get put ahead.

I am sure some of them in the US cancer center I go to have worse forms of cancer than I do.

I know who woman who would tell other people that she could not shake their hands bc she has MBC. (Me and this other lady with MBC both looked at each other and shrugged. ) To each his own I guess. But that was a new one I never heard before. Could not shake hands because of MBC.

Mindysooty profile image
Mindysooty in reply to

Nah bloods for all not just cancer where I go. only get fast tracked cos they know its to be ready before we see Onc. Not shake hands for Corona Virus now, not MBC lol

in reply to Mindysooty

No, I swear this was way before the corona virus. A woman stated that she could not shake hands bc she had mbc. She also said to us that she would tell people at work she could not touch them because she was on Ibrance.

Now, in Catholic church, where the priest says Peace be with you and with you also and you would turn around and shake the person's hand next to you. They are cutting that out for now. I guess bump fist touching in church LOL

I just found out recently (and was not pleased because I had sat there for 40 minutes waiting) but they cannot give me the shots (falsodex and the bone one xceva?) until after my blood was taken. That is how I did in the past but this time they had me for infusions first and then the one nurse was out to lunch and THEN I found out you have to have your blood work done first. I was annoyed bc I did not realize that and in that 40 minutes I could have had my blood drawn.

At my cancer center, they also have the children's cancer center on the same floor. They have to pass by us to get to the door where is a whole other cancer center for children. Nothing like seeing a six year old bald girl walking with an IV stand out of the center and thinking God, I have nothing to complain about. And the sweet little girl had the biggest smile on her face. Made me realize I was lucky in a sense to get it at the age I did and was able to enjoy my childhood.

in reply to

Poor little souls. Seeing them would upset me big time x

I have been to 2 alternative Radiology Depts but for some unknown reason every other appointment is in A&E. I’m going to stand my ground for next one. Bloods, you shouldn’t have to wait.

Think we do use common sense. Taking the advice from my hospital seems to work not just for me but for all patients on Chemo. Guess not being a medical professional I can only act on what they say regarding bloods.

Thanks for replying. Take care

Amazing. I will feel the same way and type something and then a few seconds later come across your reply and feel relief that I am NOT the only person that thinks the way I think. I swear I think exactly like you about most things so when I read your remarks, I think Okay it is NOT just me LOL

Not allow them to bring people on a stretcher past somebody with MBC. Its a cancer center and I am sure many of the people there have more advanced cancers than MBC and many of them bring family with them or their home aides.

Again, it's just using common sense and I am always a bit baffled by those who think its dangerous to be a in room or waiting area with other people bc we have MBC.

I think like you, just use common sense. Just because we have MBC does not mean (at least in my view) entitled treatment. If anything, if I see a person that looks weak or extremely tired, I will tell the blood nurses, it's okay let her go first bc they look exhausted.

I’m in Canada and get my bloodwork done in a small place in my community. They always put my bloodwork straight in the hands of the technicians so I don’t have to wait. But at other places I have to get my oncologist to call and put me in the “fast” list. Problem is I still have to sit in a room full of sick people to register.

in reply to


Nannymop profile image

Hi ladies

Here in Wales I go for bloods local hospital but dont have to wait if blood form is from chemo centre you go straight in but then have to wait about 4 hours for someone to phone with results my medication is delivered and I have my bone injection on a mobile unit on a Saturday . Xx

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