Feeling on top of the world - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Feeling on top of the world

LouisaMay profile image
49 Replies

Hello Ladies, I haven't posted for a while but I have news! I went for a scan last Wednesday and had a meeting with my oncologist on Thursday. The first thing he said was: 'We have your scan results'. I was not expecting them for another month but there was more. 'There is no measurable disease, a couple of spots of healing bone on the spine but other than that, nothing. The scan highlighted nothing'. My tumour markers have dropped 10 points in a month to 23. Anything below 30 is within normal range. My previous scan was a year ago and showed extensive bone disease, a hazy mesentery and spots on my liver. I have never felt ill for a moment but was staggered and thrilled by these results. Besides my standard treatment of Letrozole, Ibrance and Denosumab I have been doing a lot of my own thing which I will share with you in case it's of interest: daily: 1 scant teaspoon in water of potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride mix, 2 capsules moringa powder, 4-6 capsules of a mix of 5 medicinal mushrooms with baobab, 2 high strength omega 3 fish oil capsules, baby aspirin, turmeric with black pepper, a good probiotic, topical essential oils (frankincense, turmeric, geranium, bergamot and/or pine in olive oil is my moisturiser), fenbendazole (3 x 1g sachets per week), seaweed (a square of dried organic kelp most days for fucoidin, iodine and a whole range of minerals), magnesium oil applied topically each day, around 12 apricot kernels most days, a relaxed diet of healthy nutrient-dense food (including broccoli sprouts regularly for sulforane) leaning towards vegan but including anything I fancy in moderation, lots of sunshine and exercise, especially walking in the mountains. Daily meditations inspired by Dr Joe Dispenza. I had emotional issues from my past to deal with but did not really know how to 'do the work'. Dr Dispenza's books and Youtube videos are a revelation and have been astonishingly helpful, in fact I would go so far as to say transformational. Only a couple of months ago my onc said that my tumour markers would not go into the normal range. He was definitely surprised at my results. As for me, I'm walking on air. Sending you all love and best wishes, Angela

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LouisaMay profile image
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49 Replies
Wintervt profile image

Angela, What great news! I hope this continues for years to come!

xo Jade

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Wintervt

Thank you! xxx

nstonerocks profile image

Amazing! May you continue on this path 💕

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to nstonerocks

Thank you so much xxx

Angela: Congratulations!!! Great news! I’m on a similar regime and after my DX April 2019, was NED in Nov 2019. I’ll add the kelp squares. My pelvic bone was greatly damaged from the MBC lesion so I have been in much pain from that. I’m limited on exercise because of that. However, it is healing & I can now walk short distances without assistance.

I started Fenbendazole Aug. 2019. I’m sure that is why I had above average results. I’m also participating in the Fenbendazole clinical trial.

Enjoy & celebrate the fantastic news. So happy for you!


LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to hopenowandtomorrow

Thank you! xxx

NShaft profile image
NShaft in reply to hopenowandtomorrow

I'm familiar with Fenben but not a clinical trial. Would you share where they are conducting that?

hopenowandtomorrow profile image
hopenowandtomorrow in reply to NShaft

Hi NShaft: It is a more of a research project versus clinical trial started by Joe Tippens. Here is the contact information:

Matt Slief

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

825 NE 13th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


(405) 271-7221

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to hopenowandtomorrow

Thank you sister/warrior for this information, and for your inclusion in this study. It will help so many. God bless you XoXoXoX

Barb5 profile image

🎉 great news congratulations

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Barb5

Thank you xxx

Very happy for your outcome. Surprised by the fact that you referenced you expected your CT scan results in about a month. I am assuming you are not from US? I have my CT scans in Brooklyn, NY and the radiologist doctor has the results the next day and sends to my onco who is on the 2nd floor. The radiology dept. is in the basement of the cancer center. I could only imagine the stress of having to wait that long.

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to

I'm UK based and last year when I was first diagnosed it took three and a half weeks for my scan results to come through, only for the results to be far worse than I even imagined. It was not a easy time...I am not knocking the NHS though, there are some wonderful, dedicated individuals working in difficult circumstances within limiting parameters.

Savmyr profile image
Savmyr in reply to LouisaMay

Here in Thailand I get the result the day after the scan

mariootsi profile image

Angela, that is the best news ever! Congratulations, celebrate and stay on your path! It's working for you!

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to mariootsi

Thank you so much lovely lass, sending love xxx

123048 profile image

Louisa , fantastic news, well done. I am in the UK and wonder where you got your recipe and where you buy your ingredients, tbh I have got in a rut and eating anything. I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction. I get low mainly due to pain on breast lymphodema.

Kind regards, Helen x

LouisaMay profile image

Hi Helen, I got my mushroom mix and moringa powder from Detox Trading, my empty capsules and essential oils from Baldwins on line.Sea Buckthorn and Fish oil capsules from Nature's Best. Dried organic kelp and magnesium chloride from a local health food shop. Food grade potassium bicarbonate from Amazon. I'm not sure which recipe you're after but will gladly help in any way I can. It sounds a lot but I buy in bulk, make my own capsules and once organised, it is quite easy to do on a day to day basis. Please let me know if I can help further. Best wishes, Angela

Zebra2018 profile image

I am so happy for you. Thank for sharing your regiments with the group


Staysha profile image

That is wonderful! I’ve been on curcumin cbd and fenbendazole since middle of Nov. My scan was the week after I started so I don’t know if it’s working. However I have been researching supplements to add to my regime. I’m excited to hear your results. I’m on letrozole and herceptin perjeta IV too. I’m adding a statin today and going to the vitamin shop this week. Thanks for sharing!


Teddielottie profile image

I am delighted for you Angela and I hope this continues for a very long time ! Like you, I am in the U.K., and despite having to wait much longer for NHS results , I too have been lucky to have had dedicated and wonderful individuals involved in my care. x

Mindysooty profile image
Mindysooty in reply to Teddielottie

Its nice to hear you have such good care. The staff where I go are lovely and absolutely run off their feet poor things, so dedicated. My Oncologist is another story unfortunately. Shes not horrible or anything just very stand offish and not very informative. Luck of the draw on NHS I suppose. Take care x josie x

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Teddielottie

Thank you xxx

Mindysooty profile image

Absolutely amazing. Well done you. So pleased. Long may it continue. X

Justme153 profile image

WONDERFUL🎉 Love to hear great news!!!

lynnhbtb profile image

Big congratulations to you!

Hi Angela,

That is wonderful news! I hope you carry on and go into complete remission. That's my hope for all of us.

Sophie ❤

LouisaMay profile image

Thank you my lovely, I hope that for all of us too. xxx

Nmartinez15 profile image

Awesome news! Additional supplements always help!

LeeannW710 profile image

Wonderful news!! Thank you for sharing!

Godbeforme profile image

That is so great and is hope-inspiring, thank you for sharing, so lovely! I take some of the same supplements as you do. I recently added baking soda and see a big difference in my arthritis pain, it being much, much less. I also take fenben, aspirin, metformin as I'm diabetic, ginger capsules, calcium, d3, vit E, melatonin, and thinking of adding turkey tail mushroom. I am on letrozole <1/2 tab daily> only and I eat what I want. My tumor markers have come down to 58 from 115 a year ago, and my last CT showed stable disease. I try to stay as close to Jesus as I can and walk in the spirit, but my emotions are all over the place so I might try your meditation suggestion, as I have issues from my past also, who doesn't, right? God bless you and again, so very happy for your great results! :)

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Godbeforme

Hi, Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to hear your arthritis pain is reduced - I'd heard bicarbonate of soda does that and have been trying to get my lovely elderly aunt to take it. She is over 80, otherwise fit and well but her mobility is severely affected by the pain of her arthritis. I'll mention your success to her...thank you.

Meditation has been no less than transformational for me. I have felt so much trapped negative energy leave my body over time and feel so much better for it. My state of mind is definitely calmer, more stable and positive. I really look forward to that precious 'me' time each day. God bless you too my lovely. xx

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to LouisaMay


hdhonda profile image

Yah! Your scans results are super. Blessings, Hannah

LouisaMay profile image

Thank you xxx

Wonderful news. You must celebrate.

Thank you for sharing your regime.

It is nice to hear of people with mets of the organs getting such good results.

Clare xx

LouisaMay profile image

Thanks Clare, I'm definitely celebrating xxx

SeattleMom profile image

HOORAY FOR ANGELA!! Your wonderful news provides a boost for all of us!! God bless you!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to SeattleMom

Thank you SeattleMom xxx

Savmyr profile image

Congrats and I can share this good result with you. I was diagnosed April mbc with several mets in bone and lymph plus a 17mm in liver. After 4 cycles of Ibrance & Letrozole nothing could be detected at PET/CT. I repeated the scan Jan 2020 and still NED. I also started with more healthy diets plus minerals and vitamins. I started turmeric as well but discovered that my side effects increased and I read about an article mention this as well. I learned also grapefruit increase side effects. Has anyone else the same experience?

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Savmyr

Lovely to hear, especially that your NED is being sustained, may it stay that way! I know that grapefruit is a no-no for Ibrance sadly but the pharmacist at he hospital I attend said turmeric was OK although I think opinions vary on that. In all honesty I am in the very lucky position of not having any noticeable side effects up to now, so for now the turmeric is staying! xxx

Ssm2019 profile image
Ssm2019 in reply to Savmyr

Hi savmyr sorry to but in on your reply can you advice what minerals and vitamins you take? Thanks Faye

Savmyr profile image
Savmyr in reply to Ssm2019

Dear Faye, I take Magnesium, Zink, Calcium and D plus C vitamins. I also drink herbal tea such as ginger, green tea, lemon grass, cinnamon and with fresh citrus. I daily eat Orange with cinnamon. A couple of days per week I eat Broccoli and drink fresh juice with Beetroot, selleri or carrot mixed with pineapple juice. I eat a couple of time per week youghurt with own mixed musli with different nuts, goji etc. I also drink fresh tender water a couple of days per week. I really try to enjoy fresh fruits, berries & vegetables daily. Less meet and more fish and chicken.

Ssm2019 profile image
Ssm2019 in reply to Savmyr

That’s really helpful thanks for your reply really appreciate it may you continue doing so well x

Great news!! All the ideas sound helpful. Thanks for Sharing

Ssm2019 profile image

Hi Angela may i ask where you buy your products from? I’m looking on getting them for my mum thanks Faye

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Ssm2019

Of course, no worries. I am UK based though so this may be of limited help if you are elsewhere. I get my fish oil, sea buckthorn capsules and probiotic capsules from Nature's Best. Empty capsules and essential oils from Baldwin's. Mushroom powder, moringa powder and apricot kernels from Detox Trading. I get my fenbendazole (Panacur) from Pet Drugs Online (UK). (All on-line). Hope that helps, best wishes. xxx

Ssm2019 profile image
Ssm2019 in reply to LouisaMay

Thanks Angela, that’s great we are in UK in Liverpool I was looking at the mushroom powder on detox trading so I will get online and start ordering sorry to be a pain may I ask how you take the powder? Thanks

LouisaMay profile image
LouisaMay in reply to Ssm2019

Don't worry, you are not being a pain! This is a journey none of us want to be taking so any help I can give is a pleasure. I put the powder in capsules and take them with meals. I sit and make up quite a number of capsules at once, just by hand over some greaseproof paper. It's quite therapeutic as chores go! It's also reasonably palatable to stir a couple of flat teaspoons of the powder into a glass of water. xxx

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