My mum got the results of her ct scan she has 4 or 5 little spots on liver the rest of her scan is fine and the one met in the back is the same which is good. Her oncologist is wanting her to have a liver biopsy to see if the cell receptor has changed. So she’s had to stop taking ibrance and letrozole and is going to start paclitaxel once a week starting in the next couple of weeks I’m glad they are giving her a liver biopsy in case it has changed as when this journey started she was er+ her2- but with small expression to her2+. Has Anyone have any experience with paclitaxel? (Taxol) For liver Mets? Thanks xx
Taxol?: My mum got the results of her... - SHARE Metastatic ...

I haven't had liver mets (have bone mets) but know that paclitaxel has worked a good deal of time for some with MBC and liver mets. The nice thing (if there is a nice thing) about liver mets is that you can tell in a matter of a few weeks whether the tumors are responding to therapy (you see shrinkage on scans). In bone, it's hard to tell if the bone met is responding as it takes awhile, if at all, for bone tissue to grow back once a tumor is present. It's awesome her doctor wants to do a biopsy. Her tumors may have targetable features where new therapies could be introduced to her treatment plan. Tumors can change based on whatever therapy you're on at the time. Cancer is the ultimate shape-shifter.
Thanks for your reply.. do you know if this drug doesn’t work or stops working after a while
Then will my mum be able to try other treatments? Just with this being proper chemo she’s having now if that makes sense? 🥴 lol xx
She will go from one treatment to the next. Treatments will stop working. That's a fact of life for those of us living with metastatic cancer. The goal is to have each treatment last as long as possible while living a good quality life. For me, I've been on 14 lines of therapy over 21 years living with metastatic breast cancer. My treatment history is on my blog:
Yes, I had mets progress to liver last Fall. I was also on Ibrance and the cancer morphed, or changed types as id'd by a biopsy. It went from 100% ER/PR+ to triple neg in liver. I continue to have bone mets that are controlled. After Taxol alone, then Taxol and Keytruda (immunotherapy) the liver mets shrank at first 3 month interval scan and now are stable as of the last one in May. I am continuing to get this protocol, but a dose reduction on taxol to help reduce side effects, mostly neuropathy in feet.