My mother grade 4. Metastatuc breast cancer to eye, brain, liver, lung, bone.. First she was treated by xeloda for 1.5y then progression occur and side effect soo we shift to taxol and no response so we shift to gemzar carboplatin combination and it works well and response occur . She took it for 5months then her doc stopped ttt due to great response and he say that we will do follow up with ct and if progression occur we will restart chemoo.. And she stpped for 4months then progression occur in liver.. So qurstion is to reconntinue gemzar carbo.. Or can he give another chemo and can xeloda restarted again..
Can xeloda be prescribed again - SHARE Metastatic ...
Can xeloda be prescribed again
I have had two therapies restarted. Xeloda was one of them. It was a possibility for me because of my personal diagnosis and medicine history and it had worked before. I took a break from it because my ct showed all clear. Then when the cancer came back instead of going back to Xeloda we did a different therapy until that stopped working then we returned to Xeloda. It’s a great question to talk to your doctor about. They may have a different opinion and plan for you based on the patients personal history.
Hello, Abdallahfarag,
My gut reaction would be that your mom's oncologist took her off the gemzar carboplatin combination to allow her body to recover from any side effects and take a rest. I would assume, that, with new progression to liver, he would resume that same treatment which had provided such a great response earlier.
God bless you for advocating for your precious mom. XXOO Linda
What about new drugs of immunotherapy?