I have not posted in a while. How is everyone? I had a pet scan done two weeks ago. After being on ibrance/femera for 6 months, they found some new lesions on my spine. My back had become sore, found out I also had two new fractures on t8 and t9. They put some special cement on my spine to help protect it & ease discomfort. I feel a little better. Doctor is having me try a chemo pill. I just started it yesterday, will see how it goes. I am praying that this treatment will be more effective.
A check in: I have not posted in a... - SHARE Metastatic ...
A check in

So sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. I am sure they will get you an a better meds. How do you think you fractured your back? I also a a lot of tumors on my back. I remember how I fractured it the first time. I still have back pain if I stand up to long. They could not do radiation on the back. Just take it easy. What is the chemo bill you will be taking?
I started the new meds four days ago. It is Afinitor and Aromasin. I am not really sure how I got the new fractures. They didn't tell me that it was from the new lesions on my spine, but I suspect they think it may be associated. I know what you mean, I wondered why the doc did not want to try radiation on the spine also. They did 10 treatments of radiation in September. Yes, I am working on taking it easy. I have some friends that started a fundraiser for me, bless their hearts. I want to do what I am doing now plus some alternative treatment. There is also a clinic in Mexico (hoxseybiomedical.com) that I am going to try. It won't do any harm. I think I posted about this a bit ago. I will let you know if and when I go.
Sorry to hear this. I hope things start looking up. I haven't been on here for awhile either. You mentioned cement. How does that work?
It was an outpatient procedure called vertebroplasty. I know it sounds a little weird but it involves putting a very small needle where the fracture is, carefully inserting some medical cement where the fracture is, to hopefully reduce discomfort and help protect the spine.
Hope new treatment works for you!
Best wishes to you for success with the new chemo pill.
Best Wishes Susie! There are more medications on the horizon!
Dear Susie,So sorry to read your post this morning and will be praying that your new treatment will eradicate all mets. As you are no doubt aware, there are many treatment options available; hope your oncologist finds the best one for you. Love and prayers, Linda XO
Thank you so much SeattleMom. They have me on Exemestane and Afinitor. I have some friends that started a fundraiser for me to try treatment in Mexico (hoxseybiomedical.com). It looks like it may happen, 70% has been raised. It won't do any harm to try the treatment in Mexico but am also going to stay with the treatment they recommend here. If I go as planned, I will go June 15. We will see. Keep praying, please.
Of course, Susie! Amazing how some options are available south of the border. Years ago, I padded down a dusty road in Nogales seeking a med for my sick dog, as I had researched a particular drug that was not offered in US. You are courageous and motivated—a mighty combination! God bless you on this journey we all share!! XXOO
Thank you SeattleMom, God bless you too and everyone here. It is nice to have this support. Hope we all have a good Memorial Day. I work part-time as a substitute teacher assistant for special education classes. I get to have Monday off, hip hip hooray (smile).
I have been on Ibrance/femera for 4 months and my spine has been bothering me for a week now. I am nervous and will see doc this next Wednesday and followed up by my first scans since I began in January. Keep my in your positive thoughts and prayers. I keep telling myself that everything is not cancer and I have had back problems for 45 years, so maybe.
I wouldn’t worry too much about continuing back pain. My scans were clean after 5 months on Ibrance/letrozole, but back aches remain.
Are you taking a monthly injection for bone strengthening? I get a shot of Xgeva which seems to result in about a weeks worth of excessive joint pain. I also take Tylenol morning and evening and that helps a lot.
Love and prayers to you!! Linda
Thanks we all need support on this roller coaster ride!! I did not have bone Mets in beginning of MBC in January of this year. Just on Ibrance and letrizole and a 6 month Prolia shot which started for osteoporosis. Back feels a bit better today and I see oncologist on Wednesday. I am certain my scans will be set up then. They will be my first after initial MBC diagnosis.
One of my tumors is in T7 pushing on spine and into T6and T8- my radiologist said even when tumor shrinks the pain can still remain because things have been pushed out of place ( causing the pain)
I continue to be as active as possible yet it’s hard at times to realize the new path I must take.
Keep strong and a good cry doesn’t hurt once in a while
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having to go through some new changes but hopeful that the new meds will be a great success. I’ve been off femara and Ibrance for a month and I’m a bit anxious about it. I’d been off Ibrance for two weeks to get my counts back up and then had emergency gallbladder surgery so they kept me off my meds for another two weeks. I have labs next Friday and will hopefully be told to continue the femara/Ibrance. I’ve been on them for about 10 months but my counts are starting to crash more often. One day at a time is my motto. Best wishes for great success.
Hope your new treatment works.