After my last post, two respondents mentioned this site is meant for this with MBC. I had no idea! I thought it was a support network for all who have been diagnosed with all stages of BC. I am so very sorry if my "pity party" offended those who have it much worse than I. During this journey, I have met many women who were diagnosed and did not have to go through radiation or chemo. Some had mastectomies and some had lumpectomies. While I'm still trying to come to terms with my situation, I still support all the women fighting BC regardless of stage. If this is not the site for me to get the support I need, forgive me. Best wishes to all! Dancegal
Forgive me...: After my last post, two... - SHARE Breast Canc...
Forgive me...

Dancegal, this community is for anyone diagnosed with breast cancer. There is a separate SHARE community dedicated to MBC.
Please know that we are here to support your needs as someone dealing with an early stage diagnosis. My apologies on behave of SHARE.
I am so glad that you have a separate site for people who want Metastatic (MBC) support only and this site includes all BC patients. Each breast cancer patient, in recovery or survival, has their own journey. I had DCIS, and although I had a simple mastectomy and do not need any follow-up treatment, I do need frequent checkups and I feel like the axe is hanging over my head. A part of me is missing because it held a threat for the rest of me. I have had a taste of the dread, and that taste does not go away. And I wear a pink tutu and walk to raise funds for others who need treatment.
That was me who was incorrect. This site, I was informed, is intended for all those touched by breast cancer, whether BC or MBC. You are on a site with a wonderful support group.
I was directed to a link specifically for MBC patients and will be accessing that site from here on. Bless you and forgive me for being misinformed.
XO Linda
You are welcome here!! The person(s) who told you it was only for MBC are very wrong!! Ths site is for anyone with any type of breast cancer. If they don't like it, they can get over it and go to the site that is for MBC !!!
This journey should not exclude anyone. I'm working on my 5th primary cancer - this time lung. Having had BC in each breast, I wonder where I belong. I don't exactly fit in MBC, yet at the same time I have the same fears and concerns they have! My last BC was a triple+ surrounding a triple- There isn't a group for people with multiple primary cancers. It is spooky to know that I don't really have someone else to share the fears of 5 cancers onc has seen one person with 3 primaries, but 5 is very rare. So I sit back and try to fit in. My onc calls me the energizer bunny because I keep defying the odds.