Hi Dears
Here is my detailed case :
I am ( Rahim Rahbar ) 63 years old , my feet started painful tingling ( More intense at night and when I lay down, also I can get some relief when I walk ) about 6 years ago. At the same time I felt a little numbness in my feet, which became more by the time passed .
I feel no weakness in my legs or hands and the pain is just in my feet but not in hands.
Just recently I did EMG and NCV tests and I have been diagnose with
“Polyradiculoneuropathy “
I should state that I do not have any mussel lose or muscular weakness in hands or legs and no paralysis on face or hands( these are some of the symptoms of polyradiculoneuropathy.
I have a feeling of getting wrong diagnose, anyway my Doctor accepted that I am suffering from Polyradiculoneuropathy and put me on :
• Multivitamin Therapeutic 1 in the morning ( for nerve repairment )
• Naproxen 500 1 tablet at noon ( for reducing inflammation )
• Pregabalin 50 1 capsule at night ( nerve pain reliever )
I am not sure if I am suffering from polyradiculoneuropathy or peripheral neuropathy but I might have RLS.
According to your experience, what do you think
I appreciate your comments