My Boss Concerned About Me Falling As... - Restless Legs Syn...

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My Boss Concerned About Me Falling Asleep at Work; Referral to Occupational Health: the Outcome.

Tpebop profile image
5 Replies

Following on from my question, a few days ago, about how people have been treated if they fall asleep at work, I went to Occupational Health today and so can report on the outcome.

The OH doctor was very supportive. Providing I was not a danger to myself or others I could continue working as I am. I have been working with tiredness for years and there have been no problems yet. The situation needs to be assessed but it can be something simple like ensuring my work area is uncluttered or has no dangerous chemicals immediately in front of me (seriously folks). That way, if I fall asleep and fall forward, I don't injure myself (!). Working with a machine featuring a very sharp knife is a tad problematic (!!) but I could ask to do other work if I get sleepy using that. Otherwise, it should be common sense solutions like taking breaks when needed for stimulants or fresh air.

The OH doctor's logic was that if I regularly only get between zero to 3.5 hours sleep a night due to RLS, then I'm going to be tired. We'll just have to see how my boss reacts now, it may be a simple: "we can't have someone falling asleep at work" and start some sort of action against me. The legal protection mentioned before means I can't be discriminated against; they just have to do a work assessment so I can work on with my "disability". I remain suspicious but will keep you posted. If I'm lucky now, the missus has gone to sleep up stairs so won't be disturbed by any residual kicking or the noisy hum of the CPAP machine when I go up, then I can try to get some shut-eye...oh the joys!

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Tpebop profile image
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5 Replies

Thanks for the update...! Lets hope your boss sees it the same way as the doctor. I cant see that they can just dismiss you, they knew you had RLS, and they have sent you for their doctor. They should by rights work with you.

Keep us posted on what they decide...hope it will be all good news for you.

BobM profile image

Hi Tpebop

Sorry to hear of all this malarkey!! At least you have considerable employment and discrimination legislation on your side. Although ultimately you will be dismissed or put on restricted duty's which will be both boring and make applying for a new role difficult. So you need to consider when to take a pay off and when to stay?

You need to get a meds cocktail that enables you to function from your Dr and if he wont help then move practice as RLS is a misunderstood condition and you need to find the best GP you can.

I couldn't get on with a CPAP, kept ripping it off in the night but on the night I kept it on, I was wonderful the next day but this was before RLS hit big time.

Keep us all informed we may find some info / experience that can actually help you!! You never know.


Bob M

nightdancer profile image

My niece is kind of going thru the same thing at her job. Besides RLS, she has ADD, plus IBS, plus a "personailty disorder"., which in her case is a panic disorder thing. they told her she had to take some time off, which she has, but we had to watch everything that they were doing. Get copies of EVERYTHING you have to read or sign.

bodicea profile image

Dear Tebepop.

Under the DDA, your employer has to make "reasonable adjustments " to your work conditions/place/area. I am sure they could provide a rota where you can work shorter hours before having a decent break -even breaking your day into two shifts.Keep a dairy of when you feel the most likely time you fall asleep (if its like regular) . look into power naps at work - if you could be given a place to switch off and nap for half hour or one hour. maybe this could help.

I hope they don't take you down the capability route as i am sure you are a very valuable member of the wrokforce.

I hope things work out for you

take care


Tpebop profile image

Thanks one and all for your useful advice, BobM: the meds cocktail idea is interesting; you mean some sort of stimulants that keep you awake with a sedative that lets you sleep...? Bodicea: I never thought of a diary of when I'm most sleepy; great idea! It'd would detect any patterns. Hey Nightdancer, my problems pale into insignificance compared with those of your niece. The bottom line is the Disabilities Discrimination Act. Indeed, my employer will have to assess the situation and make the "reasonable adjustments" to my working patterns (perhaps from quick breaks or the sort of thing Bodicea suggests). My boss should get a reply letter from Occupational Health soon so it will be most interesting to see how he handles the situation... I'll let you know. Salud, Tpebop.

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