Hi everyone,
I haven’t been around in a long while because I’ve been unwell and dealing with family matters. I always feel guilty popping back in after a long while but I’ve not been able to maintain any sort of consistency the last several months.
Up until I started HRT I was alright with what I was doing for the RLS/PLMD. Occasional flair ups but generally speaking, alright. Back of my mind I knew that if things got worse I had other options. But after what’s transpired over the past several months, medics have made me realise I need to tread carefully.
Can anyone help?
I’m with Prof Walker at UCLH. He’s been unsupportive, he keeps pushing that I need to go on to a dopamine agonist or Oxy with Naloxone - Targinact. I don’t feel these are best options for me. Partly because of what I’m about to explain below but also because I know what the dopamine agonists do.
Some background:
I’d been pushing to get investigations, diagnosis and treatments for a number of medical issues I’ve been dealing with. I noticed immediately consultants were asking about the codeine. Every time I’ve been refused investigations, treatments because of having codeine on my file. I’m tired of fighting and I now have permanent damage in some joints, one organ that’s left me using an ambulatory wheelchair. No matter how I explain or show the clinic letter from Prof Walker - I’ve been accused of drug seeking or having a chronic pain condition. Neither are true.
This leads me to now:
We’re not all built the same, I know some of us can handle disturbed sleep to some extent but with the other conditions I have I just can’t anymore.
I’m already on codeine, paracetamol too. I take magnesium, compression socks, hot & cold water, walking etc etc. I do it all and have tried everything including many of the other drugs (you can see from my profile).
I know that for some Targinact works well but I also know that for many patients there’s mini withdrawals and many reporting having to take it 4 x per day - no thanks. I need the sleep. And, I’m not interested in taking something that’s just going to put me back where I am with constant breakthrough RLS like now.
I’ve also been told by my GP that Oxy is perceived very badly, worse than codeine.
There’s other reasons which I don’t want to go into here because I don’t think it’ll add to the forum, discussion, help for me or others.
Then there’s Buprenorphine or Methadone —these too have perception problems!
These are my final options as I've tried everything else: Buprenorphine, Methadone, Targinact
I feel lost and don’t know what to do. I’d very much like to call upon this community to help me work this through, if you think you can:
1+ should I push to be referred to another Neurologist as Prof Walker isn’t helping? Unsure how to approach this with my GP - any advice welcomed.
(Feel free to share Neurologist recommendations please!)
2+ should I push to go on to Buprenorphine or Methadone?
3+ those on Buprenorphine or Methadone, have you found issues with other consultants and Drs when they see you’re taking it?
4+ is there anything that I’m missing? Like changing type of HRT?
Again feel free to share Neurologists you’re seeing who are helping you, I know some say Guy Leschziner has been really helpful. Anyone other Neuros? I'll happily go privately if it means I can get the help I need!
Thanks for taking the time to read and hope everyone's legs aren't jumpy!