Has anyone tried taking 'vitaCALM' ca... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Has anyone tried taking 'vitaCALM' capsules as an alternative to or supplement for prescribed medication for RLS?

Martyrtothecause profile image
19 Replies
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Martyrtothecause profile image
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19 Replies
BobM profile image

Sorry no, mainly because I have no idea what they are!



Martyrtothecause profile image
Martyrtothecause in reply to BobM

Thanks Bob. I'm going to give them a try and post my findings on a Blog...



JulieDavies profile image

I tbried this one some years ago and it did nothing for me.

best wishes Julie

Martyrtothecause profile image
Martyrtothecause in reply to JulieDavies

Thanks Julie. I'll give them a try anyway and post my findings on a Blog.. I must confess that I'm not holding out much hope..


none of the so called natural aids do i thing for me, i cant see how they would work really as RLS is neurological, i know if you can get your ferritin levels up, that can help, but doesnt matter how much iron i take, mine seems stuck where it is, so i just stick with what my doctor gives me, and try to take good care of myself


Martyrtothecause profile image
Martyrtothecause in reply to

Thanks. I'm not holding out much hope, but you never know. I'll post the results of my trial run on a Blog. So watch this space.


Kaarina profile image

Hi Vic :)

Just googled Vitalcalm and it says"vitalCALM is an advanced nutritional supplement that deeply nourishes the brain and nervous system to support healthy dopamine function bringing calm to body and mind. A 100% natural formula of pure plant extracts, vitalCALM aids relaxation and sleep and brings effective relief for restless leg syndrome".

Sound too good to be true but hey, keep positive, you never know it may work for you, especially if your RLS is not too severe. I wish you well with that and look forward to hearing more about your findings in your blog :)

Kaarina :)

Martyrtothecause profile image
Martyrtothecause in reply to Kaarina

Hello Kaarina

I'm only taking vitaCalm as a trial. I'll post my results on a Blog at the end of the course.


Vic (martyrtothecause)

Hi, Vic(martyrtothe cause) love that bracket name you have given yourself...LOL..

I too will be waiting with baited breathe of your experiment with using the Vitacalm, as i dont know of anyone who has tried any of these type of supplements and got real results, and all the years i have been using support groups and reading similar posts as yours, no one has said they have got relief....Just remember these Natural supplements can give side effects, so please be careful when trying any type of supplement.

Martyrtothecause profile image
Martyrtothecause in reply to

Hi again Elisse

Thanks for your concern, but I'm not a tablet taking sort of person I take great care.. Which is why I'm writing again,as you may be interested to know that the longest and best relief I've ever had was after attending The Osteopathic Association Clinic, in Marylebone, London (Telephone 0207 262 1128) where Dr Peters and Dr MacDonald offer a self help treatment programme consisting of a simple stretch exercise as a follow on from their CARL (Counterstrain Assessed for Restless Legs) trial involving thirty nine RLS sufferers randomly divided into two groups.

Group B received the indistinguishable treatment from Group A , but lacking in particular movements discovered by Dr Douglas Longden. This resulted a 67% improvement in Group A compared with only 16% in Group B. Nine weeks later Group B were offered a course of three Longden technique sessions. Six weeks after that course of treatment Group B returned similar results in improvements as those experienced by Group

Clearly this was a very small trial, but I was convinced enough to give it try and found doing the stretch movement, in addition to still taking my prescribed medication, very effective. Sadly after about three or four months the periods of relief began to become less frequent, but I still carry on with them. It would be interesting to know if the 67% have achieved lasting relief , or if like me, the symptoms have returned.

I believe that Dr MacDonald is due to publish a report on the trial, which may answer my question, but in the meantime, based on my own experience I'd recommend giving it try to fellow suffers..

I need to move as I can feel a bit RLS coming on.

Best Wishes..


Hi Vic, i have seen where they did a trial on using those stretching movements.

Although a small trial, some got relief i think i remember reading. It also said a bigger trial was needed to see if it was a feasable(sp) treatment for RLS.

Its good to hear from some one who has tried it.

But is sounds as if like the medications, it eventually wears off...i wonder why that it did.... Maybe if you stopped them for a while, then re-started they may have the same effect again...

I would certainly like to try those exercises, but have no way to get to London, i dont travel well..

Irene. :)

Martyrtothecause profile image
Martyrtothecause in reply to

Might just be worth phoning Dr Peters or Dr MacDonald to see if they visit other parts of the country. They're at the clinic on Fridays.

Best Wishes


in reply to Martyrtothecause

I might just do that and give them a ring. No harm in trying and asking....


vitalone profile image

Thought it might help to see the last 3 customer reviews on simplyvital.com where they sell vitalCALM:

Mr G A. Highlands |


Thanks for a wonderful product in VitalCALM! My wife has suffered from RLS for 30 years and during this time, her GP has been unable to help alleviate the symptoms. She tried VitalCALM a few weeks ago and the effect has been nothing short of miraculous. Within 3 days she was completely symptom-free and has not looked back since that time. Thanks again

Jackie Ilic |


I was diagnosed with RLS in June 2011 i have tried everything going that is suppose to help with RLS , including giving up alcohol and caffiene. I was getting to the stage of oh well life goes on but in pain. I saw these Vitalcalms advertised in a magazine so thought i would give them ago. I took my first one friday evening and WOW I slept for 10 hours solid with no creepy crawlies interferring in my legs. woudl definatley reccommend them .

JT Wales |


Can I just say how delighted I am with the results of these capsules. I have had restless leg syndrome for over 40 years, and this has been the first treatment that has helped.

This company is founded by a pharmacist who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry. If anyone knows what they are doing ..she should!

How are you getting on with it?

I am sorry if i sound scepticale (sp) but there is no evidence that the testimonials are for real. I am always warey of these type of products. There are so many out there all saying the same thing.

I guess its just whether you want to spend your money to try them.

If they all helped get rid of RLS, then we would all be cured.

But we are waiting for Vic, to update us on his experience to see how he has got on with using this product...

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

I know! :) Every time I see a testimonial, I say to myself that I could have written the same exact thing without ever trying the product. I have read the Vital Calm web site plus a million others and all the testimonials sound the same. Testimonials mean someone is trying to sell something, otherwise there would be no need for testimonials. Period. :) And, we do not well things on this site or any other reputable RLS web site. FYI. Testimonials make my blood boil. And, yes, I am skeptical, too. Have been for years. We dealt with this waaaaay back in 2001 in my large support groups, and haver been for a decade or more. It is nothing new to the market, so if it were truly a good RLS` treatment, more people would be using it by now, for RLS. Everything has side effects. Period. Even "all natural" products. Just because someting is all natural, it has been well documented here and other places, that the all natural products are sold under the guise that they are deemed safer. NOT so. And, as for the pharmaceutical industry, different kinds of companies have different regulations. We have a case now about a compounding pharmacy that made a ton of infected steroid shots, and 60 people have died, and lots have been infected with meningitis. so, just because someone worked in the pharma industry at one point does not make them an expert, although they would like us to believe that. The meningitis outbreak is in the US, and if my mother had not been in the hospital with heart failure and subsequent surgery and rehab, and I wasn't dealing with all of that, I would have had my usual set of shots that come from that compounding pharmacy in New England (USA) So, even though the FDA "inspected this place" and "advised it be shut down in 2003", they were still operating and killiing people in 2012. My point is, in any given individual situation, there are negatives about everything we use. All natural is not "all safe". And, of course, we have to stay on top of the drugs that come out and do our research. I have 1257 members in one group, and none of them use Vital Calm. Lots have tried it, and that is only one of my groups. (USA) The other main point of this reply is that testimonials can be written up in 34 seconds. :), so not hard to do if a web site is trying to sell desperate people something.

well i did try this product, and it upset my tummy, and its the first time i was tempted to try one of these products, but.. i wont be trying anymore, i will leave my treatment up to my doctor,


vitalone profile image

How is the trial with vitalCALM progressing?

I saw you posted about Clonazepam.. .....this is a high potency benzodiazepine....not good at all.

nightdancer profile image

Some people need high potency meds for any quality of life, depending on the level of severity of their RLS. It is very individualized whether a med is "good" or not. I use meds,some alternative meds like Kava, and lots of coping techniques. We have to use everything at is at our disposal some days. I know when it is hot, thing go all to heck. Lots of people complain that the heat makes RLS worse, and lots more people are joining groups, etc, right now. Same pattern for the last 15 yrs, and I know the extra daylight and hot temps drive me nuts in the sumer. I have made my bedroom into a cave. :o)

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