I successfully take 0.4 mg day buprenorphine to treat RLS but the nausea side effect is very troublesome and there does not seem to be a satisfactory plan to get the better of it. I have unsuccessfully tried many anti nausea drugs and methods including Symprove probiotic and seem to be left with only one other route ie medical cannabis. My GP ,who has been very supportive and helpful throughout my "escape from DA augmentation" is dead against me trying this but has put me on a route to treating the opiate constipation which he believes is causing the nausea.
I also take Zofran (Ondansetron) (4x 2 mg per day tablets) but so far no real relief. i wondered whether anyone on the site has used Zofran to treat Buprenorphine nausea and how long it took for it to be effective? My GP said it would be 2-3 days but someone else said two weeks?
RLS is of course awful but this nausea which happens every morning(early) and lasts until midday is also very draining!