Have been eating this paste for over 5 weeks now.. generally from late afternoon and evening. The taste is awful but it does seem to be helping...as long as I avoid alcohol. I have had 2 evenings of RLS in that time ..Therapulse and listening to music stopped it. But the friend who recommended the mixture is having RLS again .. I also use magnesium butter from Sweet Bee on my feet and legs most nights. So, some success ..😊
Feedback in garlic/ ginger paste for RLS - Restless Legs Syn...
Feedback in garlic/ ginger paste for RLS

I'm interested in your experience with magnesium butter: I tried magnesium oil to no effect.
The Sweet Bee butter is based on magnesium chloride, which is highly soluble - no doubt the reason it's used. But while there has been quite a lot of research into the bioavailability of *oral* magnesium (tablets), I've not seen this on transdermal magnesium - only a 2017 study which at the time said there was insufficient evidence to show that this worked. (But then when I first joined this forum I was told that there was insufficient evidence to show that magnesium helped RLS at all).
The other thing is that the butter is rather more expensive than tablets (@£26.99 for an estimated month's worth, about twice the price of a months worth of magnesium citrate or magnesium bisglycinate tablets).
Of course, you do avoid the possible bowel effects that oral Mg citrate *can* cause..
Do you find that it helps you?
Agree it's £26 plus postage but I can make one jar last 2 months... don't use it every night but most nights. I used After sun lotion on my legs only, last night...seemed to work ok..(am in Tenerife for a few weeks)...I take one magnesium tablet every evening as well...don't think it really helps but who knows? How this helps. My contact for the garlic mix said he drank over 2 pints of water yesterday and that stopped his RLS! I don't drink enough water....Anyway, hope this helps.
I now take a 200mg tablet of Magnesium Citrate a day (used to take 2-3 tablets when my RLS was bad) and it's certainly helped.
And yes, dehydration certainly can make RLS worse: I had some form of food poisoning (I presume) a couple of days ago, got really dehydrated, and had the only bad bout of RLS I've had for 18 months.