I've recently had a worsening of my RLS symptoms. Now all day and night, with the odd hour of relief despite taking oxycodone (which I take for arthritic pain as well). I'm still taking Pramipexole as well. I also have extreme fatigue, and weakness (I have ME too, and Crohn's disease). It's got to the point where I'm barely functioning. No energy, feel on the floor to be honest, and in a very low mood.
I decided to call my GP for an appointment. I have regular b12 injections, and thought I may be anaemic. I was told I had to wait another 4 weeks before I could see a GP, as it's not urgent.
In view of this, I thought I would pay for an iron test online to find out if I'm anaemic. Does anyone have any experience of these tests. They are expensive, so don't want to waste money.
Twice I have asked two different GPs to accept a copy of the Algorithm from the Mayo clinic, with its guidelines. They both refused it, saying it wasn't a treatment accepted by the NHS. I have given up trying to see a neurologist on the NHS. My GP sent an email to the hospital, asking for advice about treating RLS. They recommended Gabapentin . They took me off Pramipexole at the same time, completely. I tried it but was hospitalised with severely swollen legs for two weeks, and taken off the Gabapentin. They then gave me Pregablin, but it soon became apparent that I couldn't use that either. Then I was put back onto pramipexole after 8 weeks cold turkey. I had several falls and swollen legs.
The GP then decided that I could take oxycodone to help the RLS, as it is already prescribed for my arthritis. I take up to 6x5mg per day, every four hours, but the GP asked me not to take 6 per day, only UP to six on a really bad day.
I have managed quite well on this until recently and wonder what is going on. I take magnesium and zinc, and gentle iron plus vitamin C, and vitamin D. Any thoughts or advice would be most welcome. I have told some of this in earlier posts, some may remember. I'm now thinking of trying to see Dr Walker, neurologist from UCL in London, privately, although it is expensive, perhaps worth it to get some help.
Sorry for the monologue of misery. I'm quite an upbeat person most of the time, but struggling a bit right now.