Hello, I currently have long covid and vestibular neuritis, and have had these conditions for around six months. The vestibular neuritis is causing considerable vertigo symptoms.
Just over a month ago, my GP gave me Betahistine to try and ease the vertigo. Within a few days of this, I began getting very severe RLS symptoms (throughout the day and night, forcing continual movement - not fun with fatigue and vertigo!) as a side effect. Previous to this, I’ve occasionally had very mild experience of RLS over the years. My mother also gets mild symptoms semi-regularly.
I quickly stopped taking the Betahistine, but the RSL has not gone away. I’ve been managing this and resulting insomnia with sleeping medication, hot baths, compression socks, tens/massage tools etc. I’ve started taking additional magnesium as well. Apparently my ferritin levels are fine according to a recent blood test. I am rather wary of any further medical treatment as I seem to be reacting very badly to side effects at present.
I wanted to ask whether anyone has come across any information (or advice!) about RLS occurring as a reaction to medication (particularly in relation to Betahistine or histamine-based medication) and/or in relation to long covid?
I’d also typically take anti-histamines for hayfever over the summer. I’m currently reluctant to do so, as I’m a little worried it may worsen the RLS. Does anyone have any experience or advice on this front?
Many thanks in advance for any insights!