I’ve taken pregabalin for well over a year now and it’s done well to control my RLS. I have a prescription for up to 375mg total daily. I have a few options: usually I just take 300mg at bed. If things are particularly bad I take the full 375mg at bed. If my RLS starts to act up in the afternoon, I split the dose with 75mg in the afternoon and 300 mg at bed. I also separately have a prescription for Ambien for insomnia, and I’ve been trying to wean off the Ambien.
This has worked pretty well but the trouble is on some of the nights where I don’t take the ambien, my RLS kicks in during the night and I have hours of fitful dreams where I have to move my legs. I eventually wake up enough to realize what’s happening and take 75 mg of pregabalin and after about 30 mins I’m okay and can sleep again.
Does anyone have advice on how to stop those RLS dreams? Is there another medication that will last better all night? Is the only option to up my pregabalin? (That makes me nervous—I’m very close to the maximum.)
As a side note, I get my iron tested regularly but haven’t noticed too much of a difference after iron infusions wrt RLS.