Hi, I am at my wit's end on finding something for my refractory insomnia. The Xanax, Ambien, and pregabalin and all other natural supplements are no longer able to provide me with more than 3 to 4 hours sleep now. Therefore I need more information for kind of kratom which can be effective to relieve insomnia. Besides, I am taking 15 mg ER oxycontin for my RLS. If I add kratom to my regimen, Do I need to reduce the dosage of oxycontin? Please advise. Your reply will greatly be appreciated. Thanks.
I need help from Kratom users - Restless Legs Syn...
I need help from Kratom users

I have protracted insomnia and have lately been taking Taurine (500-1000 mg), L-Theanine, and Holy Basil tea. These along with my usual barrage of supplements. Here's a good video on Sleep and Insomnia solutions...
Scroll down for links and a timestamp for the video.
Hi Halperinchen.
In my experience, everyone's body is different and reacts somewhat (and sometimes a lot) differently to any substance. That said, here's my experience.
I used kratom effectively for over three years to mitigate my RLS symptoms. As you may know, kratom comes in a range of strains from slow (relaxing) to fast (energizing). I've always found the slow strains to work best for my RLS because I'm trying to get my body to calm down, not wind it up. I started with a strain called Red Dragon Bali from happyhippoherbals.com, and then I experimented with other slow strains to see which worked best for me. For sleep, the slowest of the strains will probably be the best.
With kratom (as with any new substance), I strongly suggest you start with a very small amount - maybe 1/4 teaspoon - to see how your body reacts, and then you can increase from there until you've reached the ideal dose for you. The ideal dose would be the smallest amount that will effectively get you where you want to be.
Regarding your question about oxycontin, I sometimes took oxycodone along with kratom when I had really bad days, and I never had an issue with it. As I understand it, oxycontin is just a long-acting form of oxycodone. I did not experience any interactions that I could perceive. But, as always, I would first test with very small amounts to see what happens. Your body might react differently than mine.
One point worth noting is that, in my experience and I believe this is consistent with what others have reported, the effects of kratom wear off in 3-5 hours. So if it does work in helping you get to sleep, you might have to dose again part way through the night.
I hope this is helpful. Wishing you rest and healing.
Thank you Dougg, I appreciate your detailed information concerning Kratom . I have copied down the important points in order to find the right one and right dosage for my sleep issue.
hi, Halperinchen. Did you ever try the 50 mg Delta 8’s I mentioned? They really do help w sleep, esp if you take 1-2 hours before you go to bed. Start w 1/2. I take 3/4 and weigh 122.
I hope you find something!
I’m not a doctor so I can’t tell you what medication you should start or stop. I can only tell you what works for me. Oxycodone has always worked well. Physicians typically won’t prescribe it for RLS because of the new guide lines. I’ve been using Kratom . There are two strains. The green vein and red vein. Green vein is known for giving energy and the red vein works for pain. That being said I take 6 capsules of the Red Meng da Kratom it works in twenty minutes or less. I just started taking Gabapentin for RLS and nerve pain. I’ve read that it takes several weeks to achieve any success. It’s been over a week and I’m seeing progress..I’m hopeful I can take a break from the Kratom.. I personally feel it’s good to Give your body a break from any long term medication. Also just started taking .5 Kolonipin for the RLS . I had read in this forum that it’s helpful for RLS . Good luck in finding our what works for you. S
I hope you find a solution. I can only tell you my experience. I used to take oxycodone but it caused insomnia. I take a very small occasional dose of melatonin (makes me sick if I take it too often) which does not cause me to have insomnia. I tried the most relaxing Kratom for a while but it gave me horrible insomnia. Hope it works for you.