In my last post I offered up a problem with the use of DAs, but no solution. My father once told me "never go to your supervisor with a problem unless you also have a solution."
The solution to the problem presented in my last post is a short-acting, natural (whatever that means) substance that has a short half-life, that can be taken during the day and will down-regulate the excitatory D1 receptors (meaning we need to agonize them), and will simultaneously up-regulate our calming D2/D3 receptors - by antagonizing them.
If you actually find and take such a substance, then your RLS may truly become the devil incarnate, until the substance is out of your system. Gives new meaning to the cliche “no pain, no gain.”
Look at what I found: “Berberine can also inhibit the release of NE via activation of adrenergic α2 autoreceptors21 and can affect DA in a manner that antagonizes D2 and agonizes D1 receptors.” BINGO! Anyone feeling lucky 😈
Here is the full article:
As the article indicates, the problem with berberine is its poor absorption. That’s an understatement. About .36% gets absorbed into the bloodstream with the rest headed for your large intestine where it’s a great and safe anti-microbial. I think even wheat bran has a higher absorbency rate. If you can manage to get it into your bloodstream then it will be remarkably beneficial for glucose (proven) and cholesterol levels (proven) and possibly RLS (unproven). That's where all of us come in and not being "careful."
How to do this 🙄 How to make berberine more bio-available? Well there’s this article: But I think I’d rather have a sharp stick in the eye than comb thru this entire article. The bottom line is if drug manufacturers can get the berberine into nano encapsulated form there stands a better chance of delivery. The article also pays homage to other studies which show that Resveratrol and Baicalin (both what’s known as flavonoids), will aid in absorption of berberine.
I see there is an allegedly more bio-available form of berberine on the internet. I own both resveratrol and baicalin (and it's more potent derivative baicalein) as well as other great flavonoids like rutin and quercetin, which btw are also supposed to treat Covid 19. Berberine is similar to turmeric, I believe, and in India they know that turmeric is best absorbed in conjunction with pepper/piperine. The COQ10 I have has a black pepper extract mixed in.
I’m going to play with my berberine over the weekend. I know that when I open it up and put it in water it does not dissolve, not even close. I will try putting various flavonoids into the cup to see if any of them dissolve the berberine. I don't even know if this is a valid experiment, yet I somehow believe the scientists when they say that certain flavonoids enhance the bio-availability of berberine.
Btw, in case you're interested, the title to this post is a line from the movie -- Fast & Furious 9. I own the platinum collection.
*EDIT: Experiment done. Photographic evidence attached. I added equal parts of each substance to the berberine in water to see which, if any substance, would dissolve the berberine. To the far left is the plain berberine.
Baicalein and Piperine are the blue ribbon winners. Followed by resveratrol, then quercetin with rutin dead last in terms of dissolving the berberine. I hope you can read the names below the cups. Pepper is the furtherest one on right.