I take Gabapentin 600 mgs. morning and late afternoon, when I take my daily dose of Ropinerole 2mg. Extended Release. I find my regular Gabapentin to be helpful for nerve pain from a botched foot operation 12-years ago. I also take 100 mgs of Tramadol at that time and 1 or 2, 28 mg. capsules of Iron Bisglycinate w/OJ. This works pretty well unless I'm overtired or emotionally stressed.
I have been slowly reducing my dosage of Ropinerole w/guidance from the wonderful folks on this website. My goal is to get off Ropinerole completely, but I'm questioning what will happen w/my RLS? Will it go away? I know, Dream On! But it seems the less Ropinerole I take, the less I suffer from flare ups.
So I do need advice about what kind of plan I can follow to manage my RLS from here if and when I get off the Ropinerole?? Any thoughts? Ideas? Recommendations?
There was a time when I didn't have RLS--is that true others here. Many people say they've had it since childhood. I never got it until a failed foot/ankle operation 12 years ago, after which a podiatrist put me on nortryptine for nerve pain. That helped my foot and ankle pain, but I think it may have triggered the start of my RLS. I'd be interested to know if anyone has any thougts or opinions about my RLS trigger Theory?