Hi, like many of us I suffer with really bad constipation as the result of taking opioids. I take morphine and it successfully controls my RLS but the GI side effects are awful. Currently I am taking Laxido but would prefer to manage the constipation naturally long term if possible. I already have a diet naturally high in fibre and drink lots of water, exercise etc. . My body needs some extra help.I'm wondering if anyone successfully uses any natural supplements to manage drug induced constipation. Thank you.
Natural relief for opioid constipation - Restless Legs Syn...
Natural relief for opioid constipation

Drink carbonated (sparkling) water, try herbal laxative Senna, eat probiotic foods, eat shirataki noodles or take a glucomannan supplement, eat prebiotic foods, take magnesium citrate, eat prunes. These suggestions come from this article medicalnewstoday.com/articl...
I asked my GP about long term use of Laxido & he said it isn't harmful - do you know otherwise?
I’ve found the dried apricots really work well for me.
Miralax every day. It is not habit forming and will gently but thoroughly relieve constipation. It is an over the counter product.
How about the old cod liver oil treatment?
Hello Jumpey , I always have prunes with my Porridge in the morning, also take flaxseed which is a natural laxative. Make sure you drink plenty of water & keep well hydrated as already mentioned, especially if you try the flaxseed ; the magnesium you’re already taking should also help . Taking Laxido as you need is better than getting blocked up !
Hello Jumpey , yes I put the flaxseed in my Porridge, & then put some in Yogurt later in the day. I usually put a 30ml pot in , but make sure you take plenty of water , else they will work the other way & cause constipation. You’re probably best discussing it with your GP , or a pharmacist.
Hi, Jumpey, I eat ripe and raw papaya to relieve my constipation with success, What I do is I take a bowel of cut papaya (sprinkled with raisins, if you like) on an empty stomach twice a day, 10 am and 4 pm and sometimes I sprinkle a little ground flaxseed also depends on how you like it. The pregabalin and oxycodne give me severe constipation which often is relieved by this natural remedy. You can try to see if it works for you.
I’m on an opioid & I take 3 stool softeners every night, & have successfully avoided constipation
I'm on a daily dose of 10mg of methadone. I find that a cup of hot black coffee in the morning keeps me regular. But some, not me, feel that caffeine makes RLS symptoms worsen. Maybe try it once?
Thanks.I've just started psyllium. Do you take opioids too?
That's a shame.
Hi, Niepowiem, so what do you take to control the RLS symptoms? May I ask?
Take flax seeds (linseed) I sprinkle a desert spoon on my cereal each morning, might take a week to work. I find it works so well, no purging as with constipation tablets.