wondering what is the best anxiety meds that won’t impact rls? I think I need to start anxiety meds, but don’t want to make my rls worse.
anxiety meds when you have rls - Restless Legs Syn...
anxiety meds when you have rls

Yes it is wonderful!! I took Sue Johnson’s advice and got off Ropinirole once I found out I was suffering from augmentation. I took the Mayo Clinic RLS algorithm to my PCP and she started me on Gabapentin after I got off Ropinirole. The key is finding a great doctor who is willing to listen.
I suffered from Anxiety for 18months+, that sickly churning, frightened sensation in the stomach. I would be ‘allowed’ a few diazapam/Lorazapam for when it became overwhelming. All of this time, every night, I had medium to severe RLS and Burning Feet Syndrome (BFS).
Eventually one of the many GPS I saw (my surgery ‘turned them over’ every 3 months or so) prescribed PreGablin (for RLS symptoms, but he felt it was more a type of Peripheral Neuropathy).
150mg at first which reduced RLS/BFS by 90% and completely medicated away my physical anxiety symptoms. I’m now on 225mg as RLS/BFS started to break through but all physical anxiety symptoms gone. I found that when I got those physical anxiety symptoms I’d get ‘anxious about feeling anxious’
I did read that PreGablin does have a similar effect to diazapam without the addiction (although I know you stil have to withdraw from pregablin slowly)
GPs will generally not prescribe any ‘pams’ for more than 3-5 days but seem ok with long-term PreGablin use.
What MaxxRLS meant was pregabalin.