I don't see everything on this website so I may have missed this, but, there's some scuttlebutt about a TENS machine that is supposed to help RLS. Perhaps it's called something else in Great Britain.
Tens machine: I don't see everything on... - Restless Legs Syn...
Tens machine

They don't seem to have been of much help for RLS .
They do work well for other sorts of pain.
Other "machines" have been helpful, such as vibrators and Restific type devices.
It's unclear whether it is the actual activity or the distraction that is effective.
Hopefully someone else may offer a better opinion.
I use a pistol type massage gun that definitely hammers the fizzies out of my legs.
Good luck.
If you put it in the search at the top you will find a lot of posts on it.
The TOMAC device is licensed in some US states. Not available here yet but the manufacturers have been talking to European medical authorities.It costs $7000 and some US insurance companies will cover it, others will not. Reports of its effectiveness vary. Put Tomac in search engine.
There is a device available in the UK called Therapulse. Pippins2 used it. Again, reports are varied. It only seems to work while you are using it and the battery charges on these devices do not last all night. Therapulse is about £50 for one.
If you decide to use one of these devices- make sure there's a money back guarantee as they don't work for everyone and seem to work as a 'distraction' only when you are using them.
I use the Nidra bands / TOMAC device. It’s a new medical device specifically for RLS sufferers. I was able to obtain Nidra bands in NC, USA a few months ago with my Medicare insurance paying for a good portion. They have worked in one or two cycles every time I have used them. I wish you all the best!
you are probably referring to the Noctrix Nidra Tomac system. It’s only available is some US states. I did the study on it and it was modestly beneficial . I gave maybe an hour of relief if I started early enough or if I calmed the legs down first once it got to a certain level. I have severe refractory RLS. It gives you Two 30 minute sessions a night which is nowhere near enough and those two session gave me maybe an hour after each use. Not enough to shell out $7500 as Medicare will not cover it( at least mi e)
There is a Therapulse system that is far less expensive, which seems to have the same results.
I tried a TENS a few times but for me the sensation is so similar to RLS that it seems to make it worse.
Has any one tried the new “fad” ie Vagal nerve Stimulation please. ? There is a device available that you place in/on your ear and it helps “re set” brain neural pathways apparently. There was a USA one advertised on FB called Nurosym at a whopping £600 pounds, but one or two on Amazon at below £100.
Good luck with your search for relief Bloodhound. I’m still looking and just about coping with my symptoms without drugs like many of us.