Read a lot about people having other problems that might be contributing to their rls. One had something to do with uric acid. Can anyone help?? I have gout (too much uric acid in blood). Should I, maybe, be treating it more vigorously??
Uric Acid: Read a lot about people... - Restless Legs Syn...
Uric Acid

I can't answer your question, but you might find the following helpful

Thanks. I only read the first article, the others I will get to. Really didn’t understand what they were trying to say but it’s late and I’m tired. So I’ll read it again in the morning.
The high uric acid is not likely to be a cause of rls, but is more likely to be caused by the same thing as causes your rls, namely sugar, or more specifically fructose. Sucrose (table sugar) is composed of a glucose (blood sugar) molecule weakly bonded to a fructose molecule. Check out Prof Robert Lustig's videos on youtube, where he goes through the metabolism of fructose by the body. He lists uric acid as one of the products. He also says that if ingested in whole fruit (not fruit juice) it is safe because of the high fibre content of the fruit. I'll find the link to a video for you when I'm on my computer rather than my phone.
This is Lustig's video where he explains the metabolism of sugar. You may be interested to watch it all, but the bit where he explains the metabolism of fructose and production of insulin is at around 58 mins in.
Like Eryl says, sugar is a likely candidate. Here's another link with a short article at that you might find useful- If you decide to try his suggestions, you might well find RLS not nearly the problem too.