Magnesium Oil Spray 🌷: Good morning! I... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Magnesium Oil Spray 🌷

19 Replies

Good morning! I used my new Mag Oil spray on my legs last night and slept all the way until my alarm went off at 4:00!! So impressed! I am aware, though that my RLS is sneaky and cruel! The spray may only be a brief reprieve, but I’ll take what I can get! One night does not equal a miracle, but I feel rested and sharp on this beautiful Carolina day!! 🌞🌷🌞

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19 Replies

I don't know GF - One night of full sleep sounds like a miracle to me - albeit a small one =). Congrats..

Lindy14 profile image

Like RSL I don't know because we're all unique, but I'd say make a note of the date and what you took and how many more good nights you had.

Also, congratulations from me,


Yipee!! Congratulations 🎉🍾🎈!

I’d give anything to sleep like dogs do! What kind of dog is she (I’m assuming she’s yours)?

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He’s a mutt!! Love him to pieces...such a good boy!

in reply to

I bet! What’s his name?

I love dogs as well! Unfortunately, it’s too expensive to have one over here. My fur-baby (a Schipperke mix) is staying with my parents back in the States; I miss him dearly!

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His name is Wilson...he’s so smart and loyal! We also have a Siberian Husky named Koda. We live them so much! 🐕

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My dog's name is Sailor. Here's a link to a previous post about him:

He's a cutie, is so much fun to be around, and has a lot of personality! Schipperkes are very independent, which can make them hard to train. When my parents took him in 2-3 years after we adopted him, his "sit" still meant either one of two things: "lie down" or "I'd rather stand, but thanks for the invitation to sit".

My parents just got a Roomba (a vacuum cleaner that goes by itself). I can see Sailor's shout-out to me now: "come get me mom! Grandma and grandpa have this demon thing and it's trying to kill me!"

Both Sailor and I have one of those now (me two)!

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I couldn’t see a post from you there, but thanks for sharing! He sounds like a precious dog! They’re all precious to me! I would have more if I could. You seem like a delightful person! I appreciate your support! 🌷🙂🌷

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Thank you! You as well!

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My pet adoption story is up if interested.

Lilmo1 profile image
Lilmo1 in reply to

Jess and others too

I'm gonna jump in here as i can't pass this talk by I'm a massive animal lover have been all my life have always had dogs. At present we have an American bull dog called Brian he's a rescued dog we have him nearly 6yrs he was 2half when we took him he's a big gentle giant so quiet never barks never growls he'd invite the burglers in but he's a big dote. Then we have the guard dog barks doesn't bite right enough she's Nina and is a Chihuahua she's 6months so just a puppy still. I lost my Bella this year in March in a terrible accident she was 10years old she was half Chihuahua and Pomeranian she was my wee darling. I won't go into how she died as it still hurts me very much and i still cry about her my husband got me Nina a week after Bella was gone because i was truly brokenhearted and it was to help my grieving she did and does help but still the pain was always with me. I can't understand how anyone can be cruel to animals its so evil they are helpless and depend on us humans to care for them.

I also have a black and white tom cat he's Minstral a Cockiteil called Moses who whistles Jingle Bells all year round and lastly a ferret an albino called Rene shes 10 years old and will be a wonder if she sees the year out shes got Adrenal disease a form of cancer shes not in pain but it will get to a stage when she can't physically get about then its time to part i did have 10 but quite a few took cancer they were all pets and had a big 14ft x 8ft shed bought for them all kitted out like a playground. Now its renovated into my cabin were i sew on my machine and Rene's in a big cage she also has another cage she goes in to go with us when we go away in our caravan the dogs go to.

in reply to Lilmo1

Sounds wonderful and I bet it’s very interesting! So much joy!! 🙂

in reply to Lilmo1

Welcome to the pet-lover’s corner!

Wow!! You have your hands full of love!❤️

Pipsee22 profile image

Can you share what brand or a pic of the oil spray? I use magnesium lotion and have no luck with it. Thanks

in reply to Pipsee22

Of course, but I’m not home right now. When I get there, I will share a pic. I also wear support stockings to bed! Or, compression stockings!

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I have posted the pic Pipsee22!!

Lilmo1 profile image

I bought a Magnesium oil spray but it didn't help my RLS at all. Your very blessed to get relief though i too have found relief with 50mg Ampitripyline twice weekly. I know most say that med makes it worse but it honestly has put a stop to mine thanks be to God because i was at my witts end with it. It is a real blessing to get relief long may it last.

Lilmo1 profile image

Just a little update i do now have to take 50mg every night just before bed but its still keeping that dreaded torture RLS away.

Joolsg profile image

Hi There,

I tried to find you but think you may have left the site. My friend in the USA has said she's asking around for a good doctor in SC but has suggested you may consider travelling to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland. I realise it's 500 miles away ( here in the UK no one would travel that distance) but it is a Centre of Excellence for RLS in the USA & the world and you would certainly be prescribed opioids to help you.

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