I get temporary relief from hot epsom salts baths so thought I'd try a topical spray for the in between times . Thanks!
Asking if anyone can recommend a topi... - Restless Legs Syn...
Asking if anyone can recommend a topical Magnesium spray for legs. Thanks!

Make your own.
Equal parts of water (not tap) and magnesium flakes. (Epsom salts)
Mix together in a bottle or jar.
Easy peasy!😝💚
Magnesium spray sadly did not work for me.I would love to know what Sue Johnson, our guru, thinks of CBD oil?
I did not know you could buy it from Holland & Barrett.
Better You magnesium spray. Amazon, boots, Holland & Barrett. Only works for me once the restless legs and arms has started. Doesn’t work at preventing it.
I get temporary relief from deep massaging my legs with BetterYou Magnesium Sleep Body Lotion. It’s a blend of magnesium chloride, lavender and chamomile.
Thank you! Better You seems to be a commonly used brand - I'll start with that and see what happens. Everything is a try and see what happens. I get some relief from a tea called Sweet Dreams by Celestial- I drink hot before bed. Amazon sells it; can't find that particular one in the stores locally.
I’m not a long term sufferer of restless legs but have been experiencing this as a withdrawal symptom whilst coming off pain medication.
I was advised by a colleague that magnesium may help. I bought Magnesium oil spray from Amazon and it does help take the edge of.
Hope this helps…
1. Magnesium Spray: (see photo).
My mom has SEVERE RLS. (Sometimes in arm too.)This magnesium spray helped for years and sometimes stops if when she is in the car. Not always…but did give relief to allow her to go back to sleep within 20 Minutes of waking.
2. Peppermint Essential Oil
She got post shingles pain and I had given her Peppermint Essential Oil with a Coconut Carrier oil in a spray bottle for the pain.(also stops itching during shingles)
She got desperate and sprayed it on her legs one night. It worked better than her Magnesium spray, so she has been using that. (About 40 drops of Peppermint in a 6 oz spray bottle.) It does get the sheets a bit oily, but seems to wash out.