Hi there just thought I would share this with all my fellow sufffers out there I have been a member now for a good few years now and very rarely post anything ,I have restless legs and arms as well and I really do have it bad legs and arms going mad all at the same time ,very little sleep .I take Adartrel and Baclofen which I could not live without but lately they have got worst ,my wonderful sister did some research which took her to the CHEMIST and bought CBD Cannabis oil 250mg 1drop under my tongue 4times per day and I can't believe the difference in one week , I am sleeping all night can sit and watch tv of a evening. ,even went in the car for 45 miles to visit my son without hubby having to stop the car for 1/2 hour to let my walk about .SO how long this will last for I don't know ,I am on the lowest dose it goes up to 1000 mg . I promise you there is nothing in it to make you high lol .So if anyone else has found it helpful please let me know
CBD Cannabis oil: Hi there just thought... - Restless Legs Syn...
CBD Cannabis oil

Adartrel is Ropinerol - which may be augmenting for you depending on your dose and recent history.
Glad the cbd is working- but I would look at getting off the Adartrel if you are suffering augmentation ( your symptoms strongly suggest this)
Hi madlegs1 thank you for your reply I have been on Adartel now for 20 years or more and I find them good if I didn't have them you my shoot me but lately they have been really bad arms as well as legs , it since I have been taking the cannabis oil I can't believe the difference 😀
Delighted for you that you are getting relief. I've tried CBD oil, admittedly for pain, and found it less effective than the whole plant. For me I seem to need the THC to work on pain and my RLS.

Hi Raffs thank you for your reply it is good when you find something that will help cheers😀
Yes I take CBD oil in capsule form. It does not eliminate symptoms but gives me a couple of hours respite.I am interested in where you get your drops from. They may be more effective.Can you tell me the make of them? And which chemist supplies them. Thank you in anticipation.Very glad you are getting relief.x
Hi jumpey I got mine in Gordons chemist I live in the north of Ireland not sure if you have them anywhere else in the U.K. But Holland and Bennett do them as well although the ones they have are different to mine .The one I have is (Improve me ) CBD cannabis oil 250mg you can get it in 500mg & 1000 mg ,I find 1drop under my tongue 4times a day is helping me good luck hope this helps 😀
Hi Lass, i have RLS and i am trying to stay away from the 'traditional' meds as long as possible, considering side effects, augmentation etc. I am so glad for you that you found something that works for you!!! Will you be able to post a link of the CBD Cannabis oil (or a brand name) if possible? There are so many different types and dosages out there and i wouldn't now where to start. Much appreciated
Hi Av13 sorry I don’t have the box with all the details on just now what I can tell you is the make is ImproveMe C B D 250 mg cannabis sativa which I am able to buy in the chemist £23 99 .I think you would be able to buy it on line as well ,mind you I would rather buy it over the counter you know what you’re buying it has helped me wishing you all the very best and so sorry you are a sufferer as well 😀
Hi Lass. Ive started getting arm shake in addition to leg yuk! On patches but ropinirole for 10 weeks before so think augmentation. Great to hear your experience with CBD oil!! Is it still working for you a year on? Holland & Barrett sell oil 5% strength, for under tongue, not sure how that compares with your 250mg; do you happen to know ? Would welcome a reply, and feverently hope you are still winning! Best wishes Sleek Cat
Hi, I smoked cannabis decades ago in my early twenties. I don't know whether it would calm the RLS or not, I didn't have RLS then. If I had, I don't think I would have noticed. What happened in 1973? I'm more responsible now. but wonder if the recent media reports of the possibility of legalising Cannabis oil (as opposed to CBD oil), might lead to it being licensed to be used for a variety of complaints including epilepsy, MS AND RLS.
In addition, I note that the law on CBD oil has changed and it;s now classed as a medicine rather than a "supplement" which may mean you can get it on prescription i.e.for the cost of a prescription, (which in my case is nothing). But I guess you'd have to be pretty persuasive with your GP
Hi lass.
I have had RLS in my legs and arms for many years, but fairly recently I started to experience it virtually 24 hours a day and sleep was a thing of the past. I don't know if you saw it, but there was a programme on Channel 5 recently, entitled "Restless Legs - The New Cure". It was wrongly named as there was no mention of a cure, but it did focus on a man and a women with an extremely bad form of RLS. The man inflicts pain on himself to try and get relief. He was also shown as vaping CBD, which he said gave him some relief. I had heard of CBD, and as I was so desperate I thought I would give it a try. The research I did on this oil said to be careful where you purchased it and to make sure it came from a reputable Company and to make sure the oil contained no THC, as it is THC that gives the "stoned" effect. I duly found a Company I was happy with and purchased their 1000mg CBD oil. This is taken directly onto the tongue, and the suggestion was one drop morning and night, though it did state that you might need to adjust this to meet your needs However, the one drop a.m. and p.m. didn't work for me, and I have found that I need to take three drops morning and night, and since taking this, I have had great relief from my RLS. I can sit and watch TV without jumping around like a jumping bean! Because of this I feel so much more relaxed and peaceful. The price of the CBD oil is very expensive, but you get what you pay for - other, cheaper oils do not give the same relief. So, thanks to your input, I will be asking my Dr if I can get this on prescription. If the worse comes to the worst and I can't, I will still continue to purchase the oil - you can't put a price on your health! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend CBD oil for RLS, it really works, but I urge anyone deciding on trying it to research CBD and the Companies offering it. Hope my comments will be helpful.
Hi - I have the similar sounding intensity of RLS to yourself. I have tried all meds and been under neurologists etc., and all treat with high end medication. Just lately, I tried liquid morphine it was so bad trying to get a decent nights sleep - absolute disaster. I found I was muzzy in the mornings, still really tired, and slow!! I know I am no youngster but felt dreadful. I came off that and went back on high codeine with paracetamol to try to manage my pain. Because of I feel worsening bodily feelings including water retention, I have decided to try the Jacon Hooy CBD tincture. I will keep you up to date with progress. I am hopeful.