Hi fellow sufferers,I managed to get what I hoped was a good oil,from a friend,put 3 drops under my tongue, kept it there for 20 or so seconds as I was advised, went to bed ,fell asleep,wakened after an hour with the most horrendous RLS,not just my legs but my arms and torso, needless to say not one hours sleep after that so Cannabis definitely not for me,anyone experience the same results.
Cannabis : Hi fellow sufferers,I... - Restless Legs Syn...

Wow! Thanks for the warning!
Bad supply or just your personal reaction???
Good luck.
Wow. Everybody is so different! Delta 8 works well for me, not to quell the RLS but to help me sleep through it. No idea why it set you off like that, but thanks for posting.
I have been using cannibus edibles for over 2 years and it works great for me. I was taking 1200mg of gabapentin but was able to stop taking it completely. I know it has not worked for others on this site but works great for me.
Hi MoxieLake,im really glad that you managed to get something to work for you,gonna show my ignorance now but can i ask do you mean cannibus Gummies?
Yes. I started with gummies but now I make my own chocolates from cannabutter which I make from plants we grow.
Hi MoxieLake,oh that's really great for you,here where I'm from Cannibis is illegal but I'm gonna try the Gummies,hopefully they will help,I long to be able to go to bed and just lie at peace reading or watching TV then dropping off to sleep, not much to ask at my age.😴
Hi again. I tried cannabis in some small cupcakes, given to me by a friend to try. I took half a cake to try, and I had a similar reaction. Cakes were made using cannabis oil. Needless to say I didn't try it again. My daughter tried it and was extremely disorientated but she had a whole cake. We assumed it was a bad batch. I haven't written it off, as Joolsg said she had had it prescribed by a private prescription, and found it helpful. Jury is still out with me and cannabis. I had never tried cannabis before .
I find cannabis (THC) very helpful with my RLS. I take a gummy nightly (I live in Canada) and it really helps me relax and keeps my RLS at bay. That being said, I also take 150 mg pregabalin and 25-50 mg of Tramadol, but the THC works well for me in that combination. I find for most people, thc takes a bit of getting used to if you've never used it before, but I find that after a week or two, the side effects go away and you just get a nice relaxing buzz.