Kaarina do you have any information as to when the much awaited RLS TV programme will be aired in the UK please?
TV Programme : Kaarina do you have any... - Restless Legs Syn...
TV Programme

I received a phone call from the production company at the back end of last year but heard nothing since. My recollection seems to think is should have been last April but I'm not certain.
I was just thinking of this, be good to know how things are progressing.
I asked about this a little while ago and Daragh replied back. Cant remember what he said now. Thats what sleep deprivation does to you. lol
I thought it was said at AGM in september, that they were hopping that the 1st programme on RLS, was due to be aired anytime, and the consultant who was due to talk, was unable to come as he was recording for the 2nd programme that was being produced, but the date to be aired wasn't known. May be Daragh might have more information, hope the info helps as I also keep watching out for the programmes.
hi all, i really hope there is a programe about this condition as im at a loss as to why my rls has been worse than ever . thought i would crack last nite as there was no stopping the rls. been on my feet for hours as it was just unbearable sometimes can go go for weeks and lately been awful .and have to wait till it all dies down how i wonder what life could be like if only someone had an awnser.