Who is watching this new RLS TV documentary the new cure
New tv show: Who is watching this new... - Restless Legs Syn...
New tv show

If you scroll back though previous messages you will see a link.
There are so many cable channels etc that I could not find it. Is there somewhere I can find it run on the internet?
Believe me it’s not worth watching.
If you really want to waste an hour of your life I guess it will be on C5 catch up. But it’s absolute rubbish!
Me. I think it was a little misleading suggesting a cure! I was hopeful and now I'm disappointed!! Hey ho... Hope others found it useful though.
I was hoping to see the “cure” that the programme title suggested. I’ve the severity that affects my whole body and can totally sympathise with John and Meena. I find sometimes laying on my back with my bum against a wall and legs in the air against wall sometimes works for me x
Oh dear yours is similar to Johns isn't it Thats very distressing for you-I feel so sorry for you- Thankfully its never spread to my body so I hope I haven't put the mockers on it.
We can all show our victory towards this affliction by supporting each other via this platform as we are all doing
Thank you Sara, the only good thing I got out of it was seeing other people with it as it’s not a well known syndrome and I used to get laughed at by an ex or severely moaned at because I was keeping him awake etc. I so hope everyone on this site CAN talk about this and I’m certainly looking forward to making some friends who know exactly what I/we are going through x
Just wasted a complete hour watching Ch. 5 programme whilst suffering severe attack of RLS!!!. We sufferers do not need to watch other people going through the torture of which we are so well aware. There was absolutely nothing in the programme to help the severe RLS sufferer. Could the programme not get anyone more skilled in dealing with this dreadful affliction than a GP who had nothing to suggest and furthermore did not really seem to understand the desperate feelings which can accompany the ongoing suffering. Wish I had watched something funny or educational instead.
Wish you all a good night.
Complete waste of time.. No new treatments, same people as last time... Made me feel very depressed even though my RLS is much less severe than that. Felt very sorry for the people in the programme. But may have highlighted the condition...
I stumbled upon it part way through and was delighted, by the end i was very disappointed, i presumed the helpful suggestions for fixing rls was in the first part and id missed it! From what you say, clearly not so no point trying to find the show and watch the bit i missed. My rls isn't diagnosed yet, but after 2 years with this darned uncomfortable condition and at least seeing the others on the show talk about their symptoms im pretty sure i have it.... But goodness, im now depressed about it!! I have chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and am prediabetic, have been thinking its connected, but fed up with telling various docs about my legs and getting nowhere! So grateful that I found you all here for your suggestions!
Thanks a lot for your reply - we can all support each other here cant we
I wasted an hour watching, though John did bring tears to my eyes. The GP was awful and seemed to have little knowledge and no empathy.
Apparently Dr Spinks was interviewed for two hours but they left out an awful lot of what he said. He is an RLS sufferer himself and has been a great help to RLS-UK members when he attends the AGM. The editors obviously put in what THEY wanted!
That is very interesting - Dr Spinks himself was probably not too happy with the programme. Many details must have been left out.
So sorry about your medical but I get it. I have been suffering with rls since I was in my teens. My Father had it and when my mother passed last year she had started showing signs. I am on dialysis now which makes it worse. Please don’t get depressed. All of us long timers already knew the title was misleading. One good thing although I was unable to watch this one is every time there is more put out about rls in the regular world so to speak more people hopefully take notice. But like I read here early on in this forum you need to read read read then start educating your drs. Still a lot of drs have no idea what rls is. And some of them that think they know they think you are talking about the little uncomfortable rls. Not the debilitating one a lot of us have. Good luck and God bless.
Yes Good luck & god bless to you too. Lets keep supporting each other on this platform & show we are united in victory over this debilitating condition by keeping positive for the future
I also thought it was a waste of time it was practically a re run of the last programme there was no new information to be had,no "cure"! as stated. I fully understand and sympathise with the people who starred, good luck to you all. I wonder are they a part of this forum group?
I absolutely agree with you. I felt it was a moving moment watching Seema going to see the man (was it Joh he was called)? given she'd only seen him on tv -there was a lot of mutual support. Thats a good way of relieving it -spraying water on your feet
I assume I would just lock for rls programs. I never caught the exact name because everyone was just talking about the cure but not about the title. Thank you so much for answering me so quickly. God bless
That should have read look not lock lol. Sorry.
Have just attempted to watch a recording of the now infamous last night's TV programme.
Can sympathise with all who say it was a waste of time. I'll take your word that it didn't offer the cure mentioned in the title. I didnt think it would. I haven't watched it all I got too agitated!
This isn't really good of me at all, I did sympathasise with the sufferers and it did agitate me. They weren't being offered any effective medical treatment. What really got me was that they weren't being offered any psychological or practical help.
Don't think that "psychological help" implies that I mean it's all in their head OR that RLS symptoms can be controlled psychologically. Their quality of life could be improved however. E.g. the older guy was self-harming, my daughter self-harms and has CBT.
Yes I know it won't stop the symptoms, but it could help the poor man find less self-destructive ways of dealing with it.
The man who broke his toes because of his PLMS. Did anyone think of telling to him get a bed with no metal rails!!!!
I do appreciate that the programme might have been based on ethnological principles i.e. observing without influencing what's being observed. If they try to justify it in those terms then I don't think they quite achieved this.
I concur, the title was totally misleading.

As I said before it was a big mistake using the word cure in the title -the correct one should really be update
I watched it and l was bitterly disappointed, l was excited when it said a cure but nothing, just a sheer waste of time watching it
Is this on American network? What channel ?
The programme was only on in the UK. it was a UK production.
You may be able to get it on line via channel 5 catch up. channel5.com, but I wouldn't bother.