So now I have had 24 hours to re watch the programme and reflect. I know the film company are wanting constructive feedback so here is my two cents worth
Firstly I think it was amazing that a film company showed interest in doing a TV programme dedicating a full hour to RLS. As far as I am aware it was a first of its kind.
Well done to RLS -UK for your part in bringing it to our screens.
A massive thankyou to the 4 sufferers who were brave enough to take part. A good cross section of subjects were chosen one with what appeared to be mild symptoms, one with moderate symptoms, one with severe symptoms and one with severe PLMD and subsequent memory loss.
There's no doubt that the programme showed the human suffering this dreadful condition can cause. I know that a greatnumber of new members joined here and thousands visited other sites.
However where it fell short was the lack of even the most basic of scientific information. I understand that medications cannot be discussed in detail. It seems the doctor spoke to camera for 2 hours but didn't have any final say on what was broadcast and what ended up on the cutting room floor
Just 10 minutes at the end of the programme stating that it is Neurological, genetics, pregnancy, can effect other parts of the body and that although there's no cure there are many treatment including meds and non med available to help. To give viewers who didn't know there was a name for what they were experiencing some hope
So all in all it was a start, thankyou to all concerned for raising awareness but unfortunately an opportunity missed. X
Pippins2 x