25July at 2am Retren updating progress with the pad.As I put information in I am feeling somewhat of a fool using the mode.I have used it twice to-night.It does get rid of the frightful sensations.However am still using tramadol and lyrica as adjuncts.I am not sure about the efficacy although the tramadol does not take effect for at least an hour.I therefore must come to the conclusion the pad seems to have some benefit.I saw on one of the posts a person was taking the item on her air flight.I do not know how that would be possible. It is both cumbersome and noisy.over and out.
Relaxis pad: 25July at 2am Retren... - Restless Legs Syn...
Relaxis pad

Hi retren ,how long have you been trying this pad ?
Mopsy195025July reply to your enquirer about the Relaxis pad s term of use.since June 15I called the person at the company called Carl who gave me more guide lines which improved use to some extent.I doubt I could manage without medication as well at this point with it.I will keep going for a while ,although as I mentioned I feel a bit of a fool at my age with my leg being bounced along but if it gives relief it,s worth it in the long run.
That's good if it helps ,I know of someone just out of hospital ,she had to go in in a bit of a rush and didn't take her meds ,, they put a pulse type thing on her feet ( which apparently they do now to keep the circulation moving ) and that was enough for her no more restless legs at moment but that's a wait and see ,,,I was in having half knee done a couple of months back and had this same thing on my foot ,but was on new meds and so wouldn't of noticed any difference but any things worth a try
Mopsy1950I was in hospital my-self last summer and had to make a nuisance of my-self to get relief forRLS.i am sure I have a red star by my name-asi heard the night staff enquirer how I was in a sarcastic manner .Plus one told my close friend I was exaggerating and wanted attention.She must have got a nasty shock when I promptly had a cardiac arrest.I only hope she learned something from the experience!It is certainly salutary the attitudes displayed to patients.
Hi Retren,
I find your information about Retren interesting. I'm going to have a look to see what it consists of as I use a mattress topper that keeps the bed cool at nice. A key point being, that I can regulate the temperature an when it's on. It doesn't work by itself and I have medicine to take
I must admit that your confession to feeling like "a fool" because you use it never occurred to me when reading your letter. It's "needs must" where RLS is concerned. If it gets rid of the sensations and jerks and allows me to get some sleep without being knocked out it's OK by me!
The most promising thing I've seen in this area of treatment is the half size mattress topper that's just been produced by Climsom as an extra. It looks to be the right size for me, keeping my legs cool, but allowing my shoulders to remain at body temperature. I'm seriously thinking of getting one.
Anyway, please don't care what others might think, they aren't enduring the symtpoms!
Yours Sympathetically,
Lindy14 The Relaxis pad is above A foot square with a regulating device which can be increased to different vibrations whilst the afflicted part rests on it.It eventually decreases and the sensation hopefully is arrested.It is only obtainable in the UNited States.If you manage to look at former postings you will see it was discussed with great interest.Incidentally I have used an electric blanket for many years and am unable to do without it.I am sorry to say it does nothing for my restless leg.condition.thank you for your encouragement we all have to stand together.
Thank for your reply Retren. The correspondence on this website never ceases to amaze me due to the uniqueness of each person's experience/struggle with RLS. Regarding Cap's letter, I agree about going to your GP, but I think we should me more forceful about getting a referral to a neurologist when we feel we need it. I was lucky the second time I went to the GP because the doctor I saw had the grace to admit he didn't know much about RLS and that was the reason why he referred me to the neurologist. She started me on Ropinerole and explained her rationale and treatment plan. I like to be considered as an intelligent adult as I'm sure we all would!
Lindy14i was married to a brilliant Endocrinologist for 50years and was diagnosed as a result extremely early.He was given examples at first hand how horrible this condition is.At the time no-one I encountered had even heard of it much less how to treat it,I was extremely fortunate to get treatment after a few forays to deal with the attacks which I have had since I was 10 and now am fast approaching 80.I give thanks every day that my medical problems were dealt with as they have increased with old age.My current medication is not very satisfactory which is why I am using the Pad as well.All of it is hit and miss.also over the years one has tried a number of medications.I must admit that most of them have been in the past year.The side effects range from oedema intense itching blurred vision 27lbs weight increase in a very short time,and fuzzy thinking.the list is endless.Apologied for waffling on.
Don't apologise Retren, I find other people's situations very interesting, but also I am grateful for this site where I can make contact with people who have some idea of what i have to put up with.
Like you I don't like relying solely on medication because of all their side effects, which is why I am always looking out for help for other means of help. I will contact Relaxis to see if they are planning to let us Brits purchase the pad. I might get one myself as it seems more compact than the Climsom I've been using.
Lindy142aAug 30pm I have been struggling with this iPad I have as it keeps on informing me I am disconnected from the Internet.I think it is sorted out now but one never knows.About the Relaxis again I was informed that the company are unable to distribute it in the uK for some reason,the person taking care of me said they have clients who order from there.I don,t know what that entails -custom wise etc.If you wish to make contact their number here is-888 475 7435 I am afraid I don,t know the international code.I deal with Carl now as my other contact unfortunately left but Carl is very knowledgable and should be able to explain everything.This can also be purchased on the installment plan so a large sum is not expended immediately.if it does not work out it can be returned.I found it helpful this morning as I no sooner got rid of one attack and another started and having already taken the maximum medicatio allowed had only the Relaxis to rely on.Hope this is some help for you.
Retren, Just one query. I appreciate that I can't expect to have it working the same way that it does for you, but have you noticed any changes in the effectiveness during the time you have had the Relaxis? Some other things I've tried for RLS have lost their effectiveness after a short while and I wondered whether the Relaxis might do so. I must admit that given the way it operates, it seems to have the potential to maintain its effect, but your opinion would be helpful.
Thanks, Lindy
Lindy14 60am3Aug I thought initially it was not doing anything but making it worse,but then it seemed to improve.it took quite some time to kick in so to speak.Recently it seems to get rid of the sensations.Halleluja.However am still taking medications as well although as I mentioned used it on one occasion without.As I had been on opiates for at least 30 years I think may be the reason I require heavier doses that combined with the number of years I have had RLS.If the pad only works once or so it is something.This condition is not for the faint of heart.One sometimes feels as though there is something missing if one is not having an episode.Must go my Maine Coon is becoming more strident for victuals.
I just ordered the Relaxis pad. I spoke to two other people who have it and it has helped them. It did not work right away. Took about two months before they got relief. One person has reduced her meds. The other has not. They said they had to work with Carl to work out some problems. I am praying that it will work because it is very expensive.