Hi all, so Ive suffered with restless legs for nearly a year. I was taking tramadol for back pain which seemed to stop it but interfered with my anti depressents so I came off and switched to co-codamol. Ive now grown some sort of dependancy to co-codamol and I dont want to take it anymore because of this. I have been to the doctor who suggested something but I wanted to make sure it didnt interfere with my sertraline. She didnt have a clue and said she would speak to my consultant psychiatrist (I have borderline personality disorder and am under the care of the mental health team). Fast forward 3 months and there has been zero progress with getting something sorted. She prescribed me gabapentin which gave me headaches, and then Clonazepam which was horrific and I couldnt function the next day (I have 2 young toddlers to look after so I cant be like that) Im now not taking anything and its getting worse.
Im not sleeping and its there all day long now as well. I have taken magnesium suppliments for months now and even tried bathing in epsom salts. It even feels like its starting to go all over my body. I have tried getting hold of the mental health support worker to no avail to find out what meds I can take that wont interfere with my sertraline and wont make me "sleep drunk" the next day and something that will work in the day too.
Im at my whits end as to what to do. does anyone have any suggestions? The dr said I was being referred to the neurologist but that could take months This is getting so bad that last night I considered jumping out the window to try break my legs and make it stop