I have Chronic Pan and RLS. Both are treated with some of the same medications, Opiates are one. My doctor got me an appointment with the Pain specialist for the Oregon Health Sciences University Knight Cancer Institute (Phil Knight, Nike Shoes) .I mean I got Lucky with my Insurance, Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) Insurance the NHS pay physicians and other providers a tad less I believe, and taxes all enough so the UK does have Universal Coverage, or close to it, The HewSA has lifetimes to go to catch up.
Doctor's and clinics here exclude Public Pay patients. Getting an appointment like had Friday afternoon is very rare.
Pardon my French, The Doc and I had a rare, for me, one on one respectful talk, a regular BS session. It was very enjoyable. The result of it is He doesn't approve of using Morphine alone to treat both conditions, Chronic Pain and RLS. I thought, I hoped, I begged, that Morphine would lessen the intensity of my RLS Not So. I'm back on Square One Morphine Norco, and Lidocaine Patches. Yes, All, The Patches Still work Very Well.
Get yourself a Box of Enda Pharmaceuticals Lidoderm Lidocaine Patches 5%. On this Side of "The Pond" they're available only by prescription, on your side they're probably OTC. Here uncovered by Insurance they can cost over $400 a box. If the mfg participates in a Discount Program, they're $77/box I haven' tried any of the non prescription ones available on AMAZON. I have a small supply of mine left,
Now, I have a Lidoderm patch on my leg .I can go to sleep with a flexing and clenching leg minimized, well hopefully I can Off to Bed Bub
Morphine helps, but it isn't the solution for me. I know Alcohol is regarded as a stressor. I do much better after a shot of Rum Aye Matey