I have put post in befor about this tablet making me feel so sleepy ,I take 2 tabs 50mg a day but am so sleepy next day ,any one in the same boat ,and how many tabs does anyone take thanks
Tramodol: I have put post in befor... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi Beady,still getting the drowsiness then,hoped that would have eorn off as you got used to it.Suppose its choice of good sleep and drowsy next day or up all night and still be tired next day.I know which I would go for!
The same thing happened to me on tramadol. It's a cns suppressant; therefore, sleep apnea isn't uncommon. You may be so tired the next because the tramadol is causing sleep apnea (stop breathing) at night and you're not getting a healthy rest anymore. It really sucks. Either can't get good sleep from rls or can't get proper sleep cause of the meds - six of one, half dozen of another. I had to get a cpap machine for my sleep apnea because my RLS won't respond to anything else except narcotics. It hasn't helped the sleepiness yet. I finally got a new machine last week, but they said it takes around two weeks for the body to catch up and stop being so tired the next day. In the meantime, it's all I can do to stay awake during the day if I'm inactive for more than a few minutes. I've been taking extra strength 5 hour energy shots, but they're starting to not work anymore.... Anyway, sorry for going off the rails there. Long story short, tramadol could be causing you sleep apnea which would make you very tired the next day. Hope that helps. Good luck.
5 hour energy shots.. I am familiar with them, Don't you get a big surge of energy that stays with you but you still have that yearning very strongly for that missing sleep. You still know that something's really wrong..???? That's how I felt on them anyway. I would compare it to being at the grand buffet and wearing a very tight corset at that same time.. you've got one thing (lack of sleep) working against the other (forced energy) and the two do not compliment each other. Does that make sense? Oh well, my mind sees it as being okay. lol We do all sorts of crazy things to stay awake..even if it costs us our health by drinking caffeine..and we feel like we need a nap anyway.. ugh. We just cannot borrow sleep. It doesn't work.
Hi Beady, sorry you are struggling with sleepiness. Are you taking slow release tramadol or hard caplet immediate release? I am managing on 1 50mg slow release taken at 4pm. Sometimes when I am sleepy I go and lie down and find a 10 min nap or just lying quietly revives me. I'm lucky to be retired and able to this. I have tried the aspirin suggestion but didn't see a difference. I was given a fitbit bracelet for Christmas and this monitors sleep as well as movement. It shows episodes of restlessness as well as awake time. Restless episodes seems to vary from 8-20 per night. This doesn't seem to make a difference to how I feel next day. Also I think iron supplement Feroglobin helps with tiredness. Sorry this is not more use to you. Take care. AnnaVic
I was only taking one tramadol 50 mg at bedtime and it left me with a sleep hang over in the morning, so I cut it in half. That still worked for me, and left no sleepy feeling the next day. I did stop taking it as it is not good if you have sleep apnea which I do. Switched to.1 mg or Lorazapam at bedtime, so far is working great, without any nasty effects the next day.
Beady i know how that drowsy next day feeling is like, and personally i hate it. It stops me from doing what i want to do most of the time. Keep having to sleep in the day because the med you are taking makes you so drowsy you have to lay down to nap. I am not sure here in the UK we have the slow release Tramadol, you would have to ask your doctor. But it might work better for you and stop that drowsy next day side effect. Otherwise, i think you will probably have to ditch the Tramadol and try something else. Hope you get it sorted soon.

Thanks for reply you know just how I feel and I hate it I don't mind feeling tired if I am busy but not if I havn't done anything, I am going to speak to doc will let you know x
Hi -I think I have replied to this question before, but here goes. I was put on tramadol several years ago for knee and arthritis pain. Like you 50mg x 4 each day. Brilliant at first as it both dealt with the pain and I managed to sleep at night. At this stage I had terrible problems sleeping but didn't know I had RLS. I quite liked the sleepy way I felt as it made me feel chilled. However, gradually I no longer felt so sleepy and it wasn't so effective with the pain. I took paracetamol alongside. Racked with pain the GP increases my dose to 2 four times a day. Again some initial relief but quite quickly I started having to increase the dose and I knew that I had become addicted to them - I was like a junkie waiting for my next fix. When I reached 12 a day and my RLS became unbearable I read somewhere that tramadol exacerbated RLS. I immediately started a drastic reduction of the tramadol which was ill advised as I did this without GP support. I spent a lot of time in the bath and it took about 10 days to get down to 4 a day which I still take - it wasn't a nice experience.
Everyone is very very different and responses to drugs are so personal. However my main advice would be to try not to increase the dose as this is a slippery slope as they are known to be addictive. With regards to the sleepiness play around with the times that you take your tablets - so that the sleepy feeling coincides with down times when it won't matter so much. This stage doesn't last forever as they usually loose some of their effectiveness. Best of luck.
Hi, I was on Tramadol for a few months, I couldn't go out as I was so sleepy, couldn't drive. They did numb the pain a little, but my Dr wasn't happy that I was on them as their very addictive, but then He gave me Paracetamol 500mg, and they are useless, like taking smarties.
Hope this helps
Are you on any meds at all,it's like an insult to give you Paracetamol,how bad are your legs are you up every night. I started slow release Tram yesterday so I am hoping for them to not make me feel so sleepy we will see ,keep on until you find something to give you a normal life x
For my Restless legs and slight Tremor inmy hands my Dr put me on Pramipexole Dihydrochloride Tabs 125 Micrograms (88 Micrograms Base) to be taken 2 /3 hours before bedtime, take 3 or 4 at night. I've been taking theses for around 6 years or more, and they do work for both. If I was you I would ask your Dr if you could try these, and see what he says. Hope this gas been some help.