After I get a serum ferritin. what if the test shows over 50 does that mean I need no iron pills. I do not know how this test works, But also can I go back to pramipexole after being off 3 weeks, able
I am on gabapentin for 3 weeks at 60... - Restless Legs Syn...
I am on gabapentin for 3 weeks at 600 mg am and 600mg pm I have side effect and want to go back to pramipexole

Hi Able, Yes you could go back on pramipexole.Some people find it works better for them after a break.Why dif you stop taking it? If it was because of augmentation where symptoms come on earlier and earlier in the day and possibly spread to other parts of your body eg arms this will most likely happen again.After a break some people get a goof period of relief but others find augmentation starts up pretty quickly.
I had 3 foot surgeries since December and my legs were terrible that is why I thought I thought I should get off pramipexole for a while. I have been off pramipexole 3 weeks. Gabapentin is not working, I was told the serum ferritin important to take, I do no know if it was augmentation but at that time of surgeries my legs were bad I am having going to the Doctor Friday to see about the test. I do no know how important it is, Right now I need all the help I can get, Thank You able
Alot of people mention that surgery makes legs worse.When you come off pramipexole you go through a withdrawal period where legs are much worse.Maybe trying ropinerole instead og pramipexole might be an idea.Some people find swapping backwards and forwards between the different drugd helps so you dont develop augmentation. There is also a 24 hour patch to try but it ix expensive so doctors can be reluctant to prescribe it.Let us know how you go on Friday anc yes good idea to get the serum ferratin testef.Good luck

the problem with requip you start on a low dose. What dose can I start on with requip. I tried once but the dose was low and my legs were bad Can I start requip with 1mg, Able
I read that you need 3 x the strengh of requip compared to pramipexole so what dose pramipexole were you on before.Tell your doc the requip needs to be 3 xcstronger.You could try going back onto pramipexole now you have haf a break it might work again.How did you manage to get of pramipexole because it is harf.Did you wean off? How was it?

when surgery messed my legs I thought it was pramipexole My doctor wanted me to try sinemet,, after 3 days it was gabapinten . I have been on it since march 20 but it is not working well
Discuss it with your doc he will know the equivalent dose and as Elisse says always best to start low and work up.The lower the dose the less chance of augmentation.
Alway always start any med with the lowest dose at first, you can slowly up it, til you reach relief. The recommended highest dosage for Requip is now 1mg. The highest dose says 4mg, but because of augmentation, they "experts" now say keep as low as possible. I would think there would be some leeway and going a little higher than 1mg would be ok. Once augmentation sets in on a high dose, its extremely hard to get off that med.
How you feeling today Elisse?
Tired.... I have put a post on here on my med problem i have been having
How are you doing with getting off the Pramipexole...?

I am not sure I had augmentation I went sinemet 3 days then gabapinten but not working. I want to go back to pramipexole. I had no problem in changing. Can I go back to pramipexole. I am going to have a serum ferritin test. Can you explain what this test means.
p1pp1n i think you will find the Requip dose is higher without making it 3x higher than Pramipexole. The dosage is different to what the Pramipexole is.