Hi Simba (Sue) Hope your'e OK? Come and celebrate - it's 8 days for us
Dawn xxx
Hi Simba (Sue) Hope your'e OK? Come and celebrate - it's 8 days for us
Dawn xxx
Hi Dawn just got back from treatment, been a long day today. Really needed a cig when I came out but did not surcumb to the temptation and now back at home so have come on here for some inspiration. Yes we need to celebrate I have gone longer than this before but I am more determined this time I think than the last xxxx times (too many to count). suecx
I know Sue, me too. But this time is our final quit, just keep
thinking that, and we are in this together! Have a nice rest after
your treatment, I'll bet the docs are thrilled youv'e quit smoking?
Have a good afternoon!
Dawn xxx
Thanks Dawn it is nice to have someone at the same stage. We can encourage each other to kick old nics butt. This time we will do it suecx
Carry on being strong and you WILL do it. Lots of us have finally come to our senses, me included. 8 weeks for me, good luck.